Ky. Hopeful Loans Money to Own Campaign

Democratic Senate hopeful Daniel Mongiardo (search) recently loaned his campaign $500,000 of his own money, a campaign spokesman said Tuesday.

"Daniel is committed to winning this race," spokesman Eric Niloff said.

Niloff said the loan would show up on the Kentucky candidate's fund-raising report due to the Federal Election Commission (search) later this week. He said Mongiardo would show a total cash on hand of about $700,000.

The Hazard physician and state senator is trying to unseat Republican incumbent Sen. Jim Bunning's (search) fund-raising report, due later this week, will show he had $3.9 million cash on hand as of the end of last month, his campaign said in a statement Tuesday.

Bunning's fund-raising reports have not indicated that he has loaned his campaign any of his personal income.