Kucinich Supporters Want to Influence Dem Platform

Supporters of presidential hopeful Dennis Kucinich (search) plan to push for some of his proposals from the winter primary campaign to be included in the Democratic Party's platform.

Hundreds of supporters will travel to Hollywood, Fla., in a week to persuade the party's platform committee to include planks on such matters as creation of a Cabinet-level Department of Peace, withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq and national health care reform.

Supporters of Kucinich, who has not formally dropped out of the race despite Kerry's claim to the nomination, have been contacting members of the platform committee and officials of the Democratic National Committee (search) to lobby for their positions.

Representatives of the Kucinich campaign will present petitions with thousands of signatures to the platform committee on July 10. The committee plans to consider proposed planks before adopting a platform that day and referring it to the Democratic National Convention that begins July 26 in Boston.