Kent State Needs to Take Action With Jihadi Professor

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When is Kent State University going to step up and deal with the issue of its own bad boy jihadi professor?

His name is Julio Pino and he's a Latino Studies professor, but he's developed a sideline in Islamic jihad. He has posted jihad-promoting messages on a jihad Web site uncovered by Rita Katz, who runs the site organization that goes behind the jihadi curtain on the Web.

Pino may be the creator of one particularly venomous jihad Web site — though the university and he both deny it — but he definitely is the person who posts saying the most inflammatory anti-American and anti-Western things.

Kent State University denied the professor was involved yesterday and since then have refused to return our calls. But the university is in complete denial. There is little doubt left now that Professor Pino is the author of these jihad recruitment calls.

The professor himself spoke to a reporter in the Akron Beacon Journal saying: "I am not the issue. Free speech is the issue."

Sorry, professor, you've got it precisely backwards. You are the issue. Your support for and declarations of war against us is exactly the issue we all have with you and exactly the issue we have with Kent State.

Kent State can't hide behind academic freedom. This isn't free speech as much as it is sedition and the professor has to deal with it. If he is the author of the posts that call for war on the non-believers — you and me — then he has plenty to answer for. If he is, in fact, the author of those calls to action, the university has a lot to answer for. So far both are ducking and trying to pretend the real issue is something it's not.

Professor Pino is on the hot seat. He has to answer. Otherwise his words speak for themselves, and we will conclude he is someone who is unfit to be teaching in American schools and should be cut loose immediately.

That's My Word.

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