Judge John Roberts: Right Stuff or Wrong Guy?

President Bush on Tuesday picked Judge John G. Roberts Jr. (search) to replace retiring Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor (search).

Roberts, 50, is a conservative who currently sits on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit. A former clerk to Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist, his name has been floated for months as a possible Bush selection for the high court.

Bush announced the nomination to the American public at 9 p.m. EDT — with Roberts appearing alongside the president.

Judge John Roberts: Right stuff or wrong guy?

A sample of your responses:

Mr. Roberts: right man. Karl Rove, criminal administration, liars and mess in Iraq: wrong, wrong, wrong.
Alice C.

Don't you get it? The president has outfoxed the Democrats once more. While they were sharpening their spears to attack the next candidate for the Supreme Court, the president slipped them a curve (maybe from his baseball days) by submitting Juge Roberts name.
Now when Rehnquist lays down his shield, the president can now put in a woman, a Hispanic or a Black candidate. The Democrats aren't smart enough to tear down both appointees at the same time.
Don C.
Lt. NYFD Ret.

John Roberts appears to be a good pick for the Supreme Court. We need judges who understand their role is not to create law, but to interpret it. As for what the Democrats think about him -- who cares? They are not in charge and don't have the right to dictate to the president or the American people who keep rejecting them at the polls.
Chuck C.
Edmond, OK

As a woman, I feel gender and nationality should not be the top priority of the resume. Interpreting the law/Constitution has nothing to do with gender.
Massillon, OH

It is only logical that a sitting President has the right to appoint a nominee that shares his views. It has always been that way.
Carolyn G.

I've never been so ashamed of United States politics in my 51 years of life. The vast majority of democrats want nothing more than to stop Bush's attempts to do anything and everything, and they will do and say anything and everything to accomplish that. They completely disgust me. I've been a political junkie since 1979 but I can no longer stand to listen to any democrat that appears on your show. And Howard Dean is a complete phony. His so-called press release about Roberts has probably been sitting there in his desk drawer for any nominee Pres. Bush picked.
This is a sad time for the United States.
John M.

Everything said so far seems good. Anyone who would reject him at this point is probably driven by a single issue. Usually this issue is abortion. It always seems odd that it is OK to blindly back Roe v. Wade, but wrong to reject it.
Let's see what shakes out for a while.
Richard T.
Flanders, NJ

I think the president chose him because he knows there will be an exhausting debate over this and he will be rejected. Opening the door for a slam dunk with a woman.
Jon S.
St. Petersburg, FL

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