
What is Jimmy Carter doing down in Cuba with Fidel Castro?

Frankly, it's so embarrassing seeing this soon-to-be-dotty old former president acting as if what he does matters. Just as embarrassing is seeing that dotty, old current dictator acting as if what Jimmy Carter does matters.

Face it, Carter has been overseeing elections in places where they don't even know how to spell. He's been hammering 2 x 4s on homeless housing. He's been cruising around with that charming grin trying to make people forget that disastrous presidency of his.

I don't even think that nice Rosalynn thinks this is such a good idea. What message is this sending the world? That we don't care about Castro's police state anymore? That we think the Mariel boat lift was just dandy? That the promise of true democratic elections in Cuba has been kept?

What about President Bush? Why didn't he stop this moronic idea? Evidently, Carter's office filed the necessary papers with the Treasury Department. His trip was approved without a protest from the White House.

It was one thing for the Pope to go to Cuba. He's in the business of tending to his flock, even if they are locked up on an island ringed in by razor wire. But Carter? He's supposed to be in the business of democracy, so what is this all about anyway?

Spare me the line about important dialogue between hemispheric neighbors…

I think Bush let Carter go just so he would embarrass himself. That way, Bush has one less ex-president to keep an eye on.

That's My Word.

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