Isaac Mizrahi- MY Fashion Guru

Hey fashionistas.

I LOVE Isaac Mizrahi. His style— sure. His designs— absolutely! But I’ve interviewed him several times and I’m dying for him to be my best friend! I adore him, and I adore his new book, How to Have Style. We chatted about it recently and he told me why every woman—designers, stylists, models and real women who have no idea what to wear— need to own his style bible.

First of all, Isaac hates the idea of a makeover. He much prefers "style problem solving". Secondly, he hates rules and feels all women should wear what inspires them which will lead to building confidence and therefore feeling and looking great. Isaac says, "It’s about knowing your body— really looking at yourself in the mirror and feeling with your heart rather than looking with your eyes".

Ok, well what does all that mean? Sure it’s great to be “inspired” but if your 4’11” or you have wide hips and a little bust, and no idea what works on your figure, all the “inspiration” in the world will get you, well... undressed. Fear not, Isaac addresses all of your basic questions— what works for you and what NEVER to wear! He knows it’s all about proportion and understands that women want dressing to be stress-free. But neither should fashion be functionable alone. In fact his biggest secret (and this book is chock full of style secrets) is to HAVE FUN!

So what do you actually get out of this book? Can you walk away knowing what looks great and what never to wear? Absolutely! The book features 12 women with style issues and concerns we all share. You’re guaranteed to relate to at least one of them! It also includes a personal fashion questionnaire, and tips on creating individual style as well as advice on clothes, accessories, mixing patterns and color, and even skin care and make-up! Wooh.

Normally I would be hesitant to recommend a style book to you, my fellow fashionistas, but when I see a good thing, I must share! Isaac told me he’s been working on this his whole life, and even yours truly can benefit from a tip or two if it’s from him!

For more great style tips from your favorite stars, click here!

Happy Shopping!

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