Is the Obama Administration Playing Favorites When Promoting Its Stimulus Package?

Now some fresh pickings from the Political Grapevine:

Traveling Show

Obama administration efforts to promote the president's economic stimulus bill have focused overwhelmingly on locations that supported Mr. Obama in last November's election.

The Politico newspaper reports that of the 66 events held since the bill passed, 52 were in states that backed the president. Most of the other 14 took place in locations that narrowly went Republican, and which Democrats are targeting for 2012. Only two southern states, Georgia and Kentucky, have been visited by Cabinet officials for stimulus events. The White House denies any political motivation to the travel.

Unintended Consequences

The head of the world's largest software company says he'll move some employees offshore — if the president's plan to impose higher taxes on foreign profits goes through.

Bloomberg reports Microsoft CEO Steven Ballmer says: "It makes U.S. jobs more expensive. We're better off taking lots of people and moving them out of the U.S., as opposed to keeping them inside the U.S."

Many software makers and business groups, such as the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, also oppose the administration proposal to cut billions in tax breaks for offshore companies.

Just Say No

A Pennsylvania defense contractor that has received millions in earmarks from Democratic Congressman John Murtha has connections with two convicted drug dealers.

There are now questions about how Kuchera Defense Systems received the necessary security clearances to do Pentagon work, and whether the government ever checked into the background of co-founder William Kuchera. He was convicted of marijuana distribution in 1982. A man, who describes himself as an early partner, served two prison terms for cocaine dealing.

Kuchera Systems and its officials have contributed heavily to Murtha's campaigns. A Murtha spokesman declined comment to a Pittsburgh newspaper when asked about the matter. The company is currently under federal investigation for possible contract fraud.

Pinching Pennies

And the tough economic times have forced the University of Idaho to cut about $3.8 million from its budget.

But a local newspaper reports that the school is still paying $112,500 a year to a consultant who spends less than two weeks a month on campus as what's called the "chief inspiration officer."

School officials say the workshops conducted by the consultant help save some programs. But many in the faculty are less than inspired that the consultant is still on the shrinking payroll.

— FOX News Channel's Zachary Kenworthy contributed to this report.