
I'll never forget when I was buying my first car; I was so nervous. And, by the way, so determined to do it on my own. And so stupid. And so naive.

And I was dealing with a shark — a very good shark too.

A car salesman who simply wouldn't take no for an answer or let a dumb kid dare leave the dealership.

He never failed to remind me the Toyota Tercel I was looking at was one hot car and would be gone soon. Never mind the fact I had been eying this very car on his dealership lot for weeks.

He so convinced me that I had to get that car then and there, that — like an idiot — I got that car then and there. I'll leave out the pointed lecture from my dad — on the price and the car.

Let's just say, I was sick.

Which reminds me of this whole health care rush. You see, I had a point. I think we're all being hustled to sign on the dotted line and we don't even know what's above the dotted line.

We're told the car is great, just sign. The benefits are fantastic, just sign. The rich Corinthian, in my case, "simulated leather" seats are phenomenal, just sign. That if we don't sign now, do now, get hopping now, opportunity will hop away, and we'll be sorry now and forever.

Don't get me wrong, but I think this whole health care package is a tad more expensive than that Toyota Tercel I was pushed into buying then.

So what's the rush now?

Haven't we learned by now that bailouts best first be figured out? And that even revolutions require reason? Not rush-jobs. And not snow-jobs.

Take it from a guy who bought a car and drove off, only minutes later, seeing warning lights after the purchase, when it was too late. Let's stop and see the warning lights flashing "before" this one, when it's still not too late. Lots of warning lights: The CBO estimates on runaway costs; the runaway taxes; and the takeaway truth that for all that, still millions uninsured.

I bought a lemon and drove, clueless as hell, off a lot. Let's not sign onto an even bigger lemon and drive ourselves off a cliff.

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