Hunter Not Faster Than Speeding Locomotive

It's apparently open season on sanity.

Cops arrested a Kingsbury, N.Y., hunter last week for refusing to get off train tracks — and then holding up his hand to halt the train as he lined up a shot aimed at a deer, according to The Post-Star.

"You've got to be a pretty serious deer hunter to do something like that," Washington County Sheriff Roger Leclaire told the paper.

The shocked train driver managed to hit the brakes and stop before slamming into 68-year-old hunter Terrence T. Bruno, Leclaire said.

Police said the extreme sportsman took his shot at a whitetail deer — then got off the tracks, letting the train go on its way.

The crew of a CP Railway work train tipped off police and officers quickly arrived on the scene to find Bruno again on the tracks and arrested him, Leclaire said.

Department of Environmental Conservation spokesman David Winchell said Bruno had apparently already been warned about hunting near the tracks.

"All hunters should realize this is off-limits," police Supt. Joseph Bender told The Post-Star.

Bender said the Canadian Pacific Railway Police charged Bruno with trespassing — and state DEC police also charged him with not carrying his hunting license.

If the train that interrupted the great deer hunt had been a passenger or freight train, it wouldn't have been able to stop and may have struck Bruno or even jumped the tracks, Bender told The Post-Star.

The paper said police didn't know whether the far-too-dedicated huntsman managed to shoot the deer.

— Thanks to Out There reader Don B.

Just Call Him the Hamburglar

MANCHESTER, N.H. (AP) — A name like Ronald MacDonald might have raised suspicion from the start for a Wendy's employee.

Now the 22-year-old MacDonald has been charged with stealing from a safe at the Wendy's restaurant where he worked.

The man is no relation to the cheerful, red-haired clown who is the face of the McDonald's advertising campaign.

The restaurant manager said he found MacDonald and another employee taking the money at about 1:30 a.m. Monday.

MacDonald and Steve Lemay, 20, were detained at the store until police arrived.

— Thanks to Out There readers Donna S., Shane M., Jason H., Dan D., Brian G., Kim B., Ben R., and Paul R.

There She Is, Miss Penitentiary

SAO PAULO, Brazil (AP) — South America's latest beauty queen won't be campaigning for world peace any time soon. Unless, of course, it helps get her out of prison.

Angelica Mazua, a statuesque Angolan facing international drug smuggling charges, was voted Miss Penitentiary 2005 on Thursday after a six-hour contest pitting 40 female inmates from 10 prisons against each other in Brazil's largest city.

"People told me, 'You're tall. You should enter the contest,' so that's why I entered," said Mazua, who has been jailed for four months and could be sentenced to about five years behind bars if she's convicted. "I've always been interested in fashion."

Other women imprisoned on charges ranging from armed robbery to drug trafficking also took part in the contest that officials began last year as a way of boosting inmates' self esteem.

Last year's winner, Fernanda Maria de Jesus, gained early release months after her victory, but prison officials insist the shortened sentence had nothing to do with her winning the title.

Judges include celebrities, soccer players and journalists, and there are prizes in three other categories, including writing, public speaking and congeniality.

Peru and Colombia also hold beauty contests in prisons. Sao Paulo's contest, which also offered a $160 prize to the winner, is one of the largest, drawing from its female population of almost 4,000 inmates.

— Thanks to Out There reader Matt H.

— Click in the photo box above to see a picture of the Miss Penitentiary pageant.

Ooooooo, I Could Sleep in Cell Block 11328!

HUNTSVILLE, Mo. (AP) — Along with concert tickets, sports memorabilia and designer handbags, add a Missouri jail to the list of things you can buy on eBay.

Randolph County officials have decided to sell their old jail on the auction site as soon as Wednesday. Bidding starts at $32,500, said Jim Myles, a county commissioner.

County leaders say they got the idea to sell the jail from neighboring Howard County, which sold its jail to a Los Angeles lawyer who plans to renovate it into a country getaway.

"After Howard County sold their jail, we were kind of jealous," said Myles. "We wished we had been first."

The two-story structure resembles a quaint home more than a secure lockdown. That's because until 1989, the jail doubled as home to the county sheriff and his family, with a separate living quarters including a full kitchen and fireplace. The sheriff's wife even cooked meals for prisoners.

How to Wrassle an Ostrich 101

ST. JOHN, Ind. (AP) — What's the best way to catch a runaway ostrich? Apparently not a lasso.

An ostrich led St. John police on a two-hour chase through neighborhood streets and yards Friday, before they finally managed to throw a net over it.

Resident Kathy Sorenson watched from the kitchen of her home in the northwestern Indiana community as police set up roadblocks.

"Then I saw a police officer jump out of his car and run toward something with a rope, like he was trying to lasso something," she said. She assumed officers were trying to catch a stray dog, then saw the ostrich run out from behind a tree.

The bird was turned over to animal control officers after it was caught. Police Chief Fred Frego said he had no clue where the ostrich came from.

"We don't have any missing ostrich reports," he said.

— Thanks to Out There reader Greg M.

Even Kids Know the Old Parsley-Pot Switcheroo

PALM COAST, Fla. (AP) — The Flagler County Sheriff's office says two elementary students were taken in to custody after pretending a plastic bag of parsley was marijuana.

The 10-year-old girls are students at Old Kings Elementary School.

An arrest report says the girls were showing classmates a plastic bag with a green leafy substance they said was marijuana.

School officials learned of the alleged bag of marijuana and called the girls into a conference with their parents.

Officials say the girls said they brought the bag of parsley to school as a prank.

A spokeswoman for the sheriff's office says it's a crime in Florida to claim that a substance is a drug.

The girls were taken to the Flagler County Inmate Facility and released to their parents.

They are suspended from school and must attend drug awareness classes.

Compiled by's Andrew Hard.

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