'How to Talk to Girls': Relationship Advice From a 9-Year-Old

Listen up, gentlemen: If you want to impress a woman this Valentine’s Day, there is one thing you must do.

Read 9-year-old Alec Greven’s New York Times bestselling book “How to Talk to Girls.”

It will give you all the wisdom, confidence and chivalry you'll need.

Even if you are already in a relationship, Alec's advice will surely be helpful:

— You have to be aware that girls win most of the arguments and have most of the power. If you know that now, things might be easier.

— Pretty girls are like cars that need lots of oil.

— It’s good to give a girl compliments.

Alec, a precocious fourth-grader from Castle Rock, Colo., got the idea to write this book from observing the boys on the playground at Soaring Hawk Elementary School.

“The boys on the playground were having trouble with girls, so I wanted to write a book that would help them,” he told FOXNews.com.

He said it took him about a half a week to observe and then one week to write the book. He also had inspiration from his parents, Erin and Eric, who have been married for 13 years. He showed the book to his teacher, who then showed it to the school’s principal, and that’s when the chain reaction started.

Alec's book was sold at the school book fair, which was covered by the local TV station. The story was so well-received locally, that the TV station called Ellen DeGeneres, who invited Alec to be on her show and sent him to HarperCollins, which eventually signed him to publish the book.

Ever since, he’s been on a whirlwind media tour across the country.

“We think it’s really exciting,” said Cindy Hamilton, Alec's publicist at HarperCollins. “The book has been published in five countries and he’s going to Italy in March. We are really proud of him.”

This year, Alec will release three more books with HarperCollins: “How to Talk to Moms,” “How to Talk to Dads,” and “How to Talk to Santa.”

Although his book was initially aimed toward the playground crowd, its messages can definitely be applied to grown men.

For example:

— If you like a girl, don’t be silly and goofy.

— A crush is like a love disease - try not to let it get you down.

— Most girls like polite boys, but girls always like the smartest boys.

“The smart kids are the magnets and the girls are the metal,” Alec explained. “You have to have a sense of humor, but don’t be a clown.”

It’s also imperative to dress up for a girl, Alec said. He’s not talking about a suit and tie, but at least comb your hair and don’t wear jeans with holes in them.

Since he is such an expert on relationships, we were anxious to find out if Alec had a girlfriend, but he said he thought he was still too young.

“Girls do come up to me now,” he said. “But, they are asking me questions like, ‘How was Ellen?’ and stuff like that. They aren’t interested in the romantic stuff.”

As for Valentine’s Day, Alec suggested finding out what the girl likes before buying her a present.

“Talk to her friends,” he said. “What if you bought her chocolates or flowers and she was allergic?”

Sounds like very smart advice.

HarperCollins Publishers, the publisher of “How to Talk to Girls,” is a property of News Corp., the parent corporation of FOX News.