How Long Will the War Last?

And now the most telling two minutes in television, the latest from the wartime grapevine:

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How Long Will It Last?
A new Gallup poll, taken Saturday and Sunday, shows support for the war in Iraq still high, with 72 percent of Americans behind it. Twenty-five percent are opposed to the war. An ABC/Washington Post poll finds the same 72 percent support the war, with a similar number opposed. But belief that the war will end in a matter of days or weeks has dropped in the last few days, with 34 percent thinking that last Thursday and 28 percent thinking that today, according to the Gallup poll. In addition, belief the war will last a matter of months has risen, with 47 percent thinking last Thursday that a war will last between one to six months, and 52 percent thinking that today. The ABC/Washington Post poll finds 45 percent think it will last months, compared with 37 percent last week.

Now that the war with Iraq is underway, the criticism from the left seems stronger than ever. Former Green Party presidential candidate Ralph Nader blames the war on "a messianic militaristic determination" by what he calls a "selected dictator." He was talking about President Bush. Meanwhile, Vicki Gray, a self-described retired diplomat writing for says she was brought close to tears and nausea by "the worst bombing since Dresden and Hiroshima." And Michael Moore's called for shame on President Bush at last night's Academy Awards. But he not only ran into boos, but was seen by one of the smallest Oscar TV audiences ever.

Battling Leaflet Lies
Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Richard Myers says the Iraqi government has warned its citizens not to pick up any of the millions of leaflets dropped by U.S. planes because, it claims, they are laced with chemical or biological weapons. He told Congressional Quarterly that to reinforce the warning, Iraqi leaders have had people in protective suits collecting the leaflets to be properly disposed of. Myers said this warning from Iraqi leaders is a sign they do fear so-called psychological operations to change the minds of Iraqi soldiers.

"U.N."Finished Business?
U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan insists the work of U.N. weapons inspectors to disarm Iraq has only been suspended, not ended. He said UNMOVIC -- the U.N. Monitoring, Verification and Inspection Commission overseeing the disarmament of Iraq "still has the responsibility for the disarmament of Iraq, and if the situation permits, [inspectors] will be expected to go back into Iraq and inspect."