How Is Gitmo Treating Our Own?

And now the most compelling two minutes in television, the latest from the wartime grapevine.

A special Navy psychiatric team has been dispatched to Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, to help those kept there to deal with their anger. But the Miami Herald reports that it's not the anger of the suspected terrorists that the shrinks are worried about. It's the anger of the 1,000 soldiers, Marines and sailors who have been outraged that their captives have been better treated than they have been. The Herald says that for a while, the captives got two hot meals a day, plus a cold lunch while their guards had to eat field rations. And the suspected terrorists had showers while U.S. military personnel had to bathe with garden hoses. The mental health teams say it will meet with every U.S. soldier to allow them to "ventilate" before going home.

French President Jacques Chirac, who's up for re-election this spring finds himself in the midst of a scandal over his eating habits – and expenditures – dating back to his days as Mayor of Paris. An audit of Chirac's books that leaked to a French magazine shows that Chirac and his wife spent 4,000 francs a day – that's about $540 – on food between 1987 and 1995. Much of the money spent was in cash, and the auditors were unable to say for sure how much of it went to official entertaining. Chirac denies any wrongdoing and cannot be questioned or prosecuted as long as he remains head of state.

The latest from the world of American justice is that a woman who's been evicted from her apartment building outside Denver for shouting at the top of her voice is suing. The woman, 38-year-old Claudia Huntley, says she has Tourette's syndrome, which causes her to make involuntary outbursts and that she is being discriminated against. The managers of her building, in Arapahoe County, point out that what she most often shouts is the word "fire." She says she'd stop if she could, but she can't.

Former Washington, D.C., Mayor Marion Barry, who did a stretch in jail on cocaine charges, says he won't run for city council after all. This comes after police said they found traces of drugs in his car last month, and two days ago, his wife announced she's leaving him.