Homeland Security Official: No Imminent Al Qaeda Threat to U.S.

There is no credible intelligence suggesting an imminent Al Qaeda threat to the U.S., a Homeland Security Official told FOX News Monday night after ABC News posted a report claiming large teams of newly trained homicide bombers were being sent to America and Europe.

The ABC News report was linked to a videotape that showed teams assigned to carry out attacks in the U.S., Canada, Britain and Germany being introduced during an Al Qaeda and Taliban training camp graduation ceremony on July 9.

Click here to read the ABC News report.

The tape shows Taliban military commander Mansoor Dadullah introducing, then congratulating each team as they stood.

"These Americans, Canadians, British and Germans come here to Afghanistan from faraway places," Dadullah said on the tape. "Why shouldn't we go after them?"

The leader of the team assigned to attack Britain then spoke in English.

"So let me say something about why we are going, along with my team, for a suicide attack in Britain," he said. "Whether my colleagues, companions and Muslim brothers die today or tonight, every drop of our blood will invigorate the Muslim (unintelligible)."

However, a U.S. official said that the video appears to be part of a propaganda mission, as other cameras are seen at the event. ABC News also reported that a Pakistani journalist was invited to snap photos of the roughly 300 recruits, some as young as 12.

FOX News' Catherine Herridge contributed to this report.