Hey Prowler, Now Urine Jail

Horrified San Franciscans can finally open up their windows without fear again: police bagged the peeing prowler.

A fiend with a yen for relieving himself through the open windows of local houses and apartments was behind bars Thursday after cops issued a $25,000 warrant for his arrest, according to local CBS 5 Bay City News.

Residents spotted 19-year-old Moises Coralles of Redwood City Saturday night, urinating into the window of their Menlo Park home, according to the San Mateo County Sheriff's Office reported.

The sheriff's office told Bay City News the disgusted dwellers confronted the prowler as he strolled from the back of the yard — still zipping up his pants.

A San Mateo County Superior Court judge issued a $25,000 warrant for Coralles' arrest Wednesday after the residents' confrontation allegedly prompted Coralles to flee on foot.

Police nabbed Coralles at 9 p.m. Wednesday — booking him at the San Mateo County jail on suspicion of prowling, according to the sheriff's office.

Coralles had already been to prison three times for indecent exposure and prowling in 2005 — and was out on bail for those incidents at the time of Saturday's incident, the sheriff's office reported.

— Thanks to Out There reader Don W.

Burglar Gets a Beauty School Beatdown

That's right, sic him, girls!

A Louisiana man who was beaten with curling irons, a table leg and blow dryers when he allegedly tried to rob a Shreveport beauty school appeared in court Jan. 11, according to local KTBS 3 News.

Just as Jared Gipson lost his struggle against the women in Blaylock's Beauty College last June, Gipson lost in court as Caddo Distinct Court Judge Scott Crichton found him guilty of armed robbery.

During his beautiful defeat, Gipson had held a gun to one person's head and ordered everyone in the school to lie down — and was stuffing money in a bag when a student tripped him and others dove on him, beating him with their tools of beautification, prosecutors said.

Gipson, 25, later told cops he was attacked by "an angry mob of women" and the beating left him with 21 cuts in need of stitches.

Prosecutors played a 911 tape Jan. 11 with a woman at Blaylock's whispering to an operator about the attempted robbery for the judge before the verdict was issued.

On the tape, a man barks orders at people before there is a sudden silence — then chaos ensues.

"They're fighting, they're fighting, they're fighting!" the woman tells the operator — then says, "They got him! We actually whooped him! Is that OK?"

"Yes, ma'am, that's fine if that's what y'all want to do. Are y'all OK?" the operator replies.

Gipson's sentencing is set for this week.

— Thanks to Out There reader Allen P.

The Dreams That You Dare to Dream Really Do Come True!

An ex-inmate in New York state apparently missed his jail cell so much he tried to break back in.

Raymond Johnson, 29, lugged a brick into the Onondaga County Justice Center's lobby, claimed he had a bomb and attempted to rush the glass security doors on Friday the 13th, Anthony Callisto, chief of the county sheriff's office custody division, told The Post-Standard.

Callisto told the paper security tackled Johnson, of Syracuse, de-bricked him and sent to University Hospital for an evaluation.

Syracuse police arrested Johnson later that afternoon and charged him with aggravated unlicensed operation of a motor vehicle after he got out of the hospital.

Officers had caught him driving a car that wasn't his, Callisto said, adding that the whole case was goofy from the very beginning.

"It made no sense at all and was just quirky across the board," he told The Post-Standard.

Johnson wore a plastic bag on his head like a hat, when he first walked into the prison where he's been an inmate in June 1999. The "bomb" in the bag he carried was actually dish soap, Callisto told the paper.

"We have no idea why he wanted to get in jail so badly, but he made his wish come true," Callisto told the Post-Standard.

— Thanks to Out There reader Kirk H.

Are You Trying to Get the Chair?

A golden rule for defendants: Don't curse out the judge before he sentences you.

New York defendant Wilfredo Brito seemed to forget that lesson Jan. 9, appearing before Onondaga County Judge Bill Walsh for sentencing in a drug case, according to The Post-Standard.

Walsh asked Brito if he would admit to having a prior felony conviction — and Brito abruptly responded with a curse word.

"That still doesn’t answer my question," Walsh replied before inquiring again.

Brito then flew off on a tirade about the judge and court being both racist and unjust, according to The Post-Standard.

Walsh let the barbs roll off, then calmly asked, "My question calls for a 'yes' or 'no' answer. Do you think you can limit yourself to that?"

Walsh finally engaged after Brito then launched into yet another tirade about the judge not being in his shoes.

"I'd never be in your shoes, Mr. Brito, because I’m not a felon," the judge said, according to the paper.

"You never broke the law? You never did wrong?" Brito pressed.

"Not as bad as you did," the judge countered, again requesting for Brito to admit having a prior felony conviction. The dialogue continued to spiral downhill until the judge finally adjourned the hearing for several days to restore his patience.

— Thanks to Out There reader Edison S.

Panty Raid Turns Toga Party

MORGANTON, N.C. (AP) — A man clad only in a toga fled in a car after breaking into a woman's home and stealing her underwear, police said.

Michael Sean Ostrander, 33, of Morganton, was arrested Monday after stopping his car following a pursuit by police. He faces charges including breaking and entering.

The woman told police she was visiting a neighbor when she heard her burglar alarm go off and saw a man flee in a car.

The woman then gave chase and called the police, with the state Highway Patrol and local officers joining the pursuit along state Highway 181.

Sheriff's deputies said they found panties and photos belonging to the woman inside Ostrander's car.

Ostrander is charged with breaking, entering and larceny, possession of stolen goods and speeding to avoid arrest — all felonies.

— Thanks to Out There readers Jennifer S. and Derek H.

Oh, I'm a Big, Fat Burglar, Gobble Gobble

CEDAR RAPIDS, Iowa (AP) — A burglar who kicked in the back door of a restaurant must have worked up an appetite. Police said the person who broke into the Garden Place overnight Monday baked themselves a sausage and beef pizza before they left.

"I got to work, and I noticed my pizza oven was on," said Darryl Rundell, the restaurant's owner. "My back door was busted. I came back to the kitchen, and I saw dirty dishes in my sink. We had cleaned up the night before, and there were no dishes in the sink."

On the dirty pizza pans he found sausage and beef.

He also discovered that buns, pizza crusts and sauce, hot dogs, beef and Italian sausage, sandwich meats and about eight pounds of cheese had been taken.

The restaurant, which opened Dec. 7, has had three break-ins, Rundell said.

He said the first break-in was on Dec. 8, and in that case the intruder also made a pizza. The second break-in, on Christmas Eve, resulted in the theft of seven cases of muffins, he said.

"My menu has reasonable prices," Rundell said. "With my prices, they shouldn't steal them."

Trimspa, Baby, Trimspa!

SYDNEY, Australia (AP) — A prison inmate in Australia lost a dramatic amount of weight, squeezed through a gap in the wall and escaped, a newspaper reported.

Robert Cole, 35, was serving time for sex offenses and armed robbery in a prison hospital in New South Wales state when officials noticed he was missing early Wednesday, The Sydney Morning Herald reported in its online edition.

Cole, who had recently undergone a dramatic weight loss, slipped his 123-pound body through a gap between the bars on a cell window and a brick wall at which he'd been chipping away, the paper quoted an unidentified Corrective Services spokeswoman as saying.

"Because he's lost a lot of weight, he's a very narrow person, so he squeezed his way through the gap in the brick wall," she was quoted as saying.

Cole avoided the motion detectors and video cameras that monitor the prison grounds at night, then climbed a fence and escaped, the newspaper said.

It was not immediately clear how long Cole's sentence was, or how much time he had already served.

Calls to the New South Wales Corrective Services Division seeking confirmation were not immediately returned Wednesday.

Compiled by FOXNews.com's Andrew Hard.

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