Hamills Said Due Home in Mississippi Saturday

Former Iraq captive Thomas Hamill (search) will be released from a hospital in Germany in time to return to Mississippi early Saturday, a town spokeswoman said Friday.

Josie Harvey, secretary to Mayor Dorothy Baker Hines, said Hamill's wife, Kellie, had called city hall about 8:30 a.m. to confirm their arrival at an airport in Meridian, about 60 miles south of here.

Harvey said officials had no other details.

Hamill, 44, escaped his Iraqi captors Sunday and has been treated for an arm injury at Landstuhl Regional Medical Center (search) in Germany. Hamill was wounded when his convoy was ambushed April 9.

Hamill said earlier this week that he was particularly looking forward to quiet time with his family. As a result, Hines said Thursday that plans for a parade and other celebrations in his hometown were called off for now.

Hamill's mother, Phyllis Hamill, who lives with her son, told The Associated Press on Friday that family members had not been told when the couple would be back in Macon.

"We are anxious as everybody else to get him home," Phyllis Hamill said.

She also said Hamill also faced additional treatment for his arm wound.

"He's got to have a bone graft and skin graft — that's a priority," she said.

One of the first things Hamill will encounter after meeting with his family will be letters and calls offering him movie and book deals.

"He's got mail about movie deals and all sorts of things," Phyllis Hamill said. "Somebody called about it and I just said, 'Look, I can't even discuss that. It's his business."

"I don't even think he'll consider that for a while," she said. "He says foremost is there are people still over there in the military and others that are still being held hostage and all. Next is his family, seeing his kids."