Guests and Topics: September 10

See you in the No Spin zone at 8 p.m. and 11 p.m. ET!

Did CBS News’ Dan Rather (search) get duped? Allegations are flying that “60 Minutes” aired fake documents calling into question President Bush's National Guard service, but the network is standing by its story.

We’ll examine the issue with Stephen Hayes of The Weekly Standard and Jonathan Klein, former executive vice president of CBS News and founder of

Will ads showing strong support for the president among veterans of the Iraq War give President Bush an even bigger bounce in the polls? We’ll get a fair and balanced debate from Republican strategist Cheri Jacobus and Democratic strategist Jenny Backus.

Hurricane Ivan rips through the Caribbean with deadly and destructive force as it makes its way toward Florida. We’ll track its progress with Joe Bastardi, chief hurricane forecaster for

A radical Muslim group is reportedly planning a 9/11 celebration in London Saturday, drawing outrage from mainstream Muslims around the world. Who is behind this despicable display? We’ll get insight from Asma Hasan, author of “Why I Am a Muslim.”

Plus, why did some politicians vote against a resolution to honor the third anniversary of Sept. 11? We’ll ask Rep. Janice Schakowsky, D-Ill.

Is a politically correct airline security policy putting Americans in danger? We’ll hear from Michael Smerconish, author of "Flying Blind.”

And, Bill Maher weighs in on how the military records of George Bush and John Kerry will affect the election.

See you in the No Spin Zone, tonight at 8 p.m. and 11 p.m. ET!

— All topics and guests subject to change.