
Behind every significant change in American history — There lies a great debate. Freedom of speech entitles all Americans to stand up for what they believe in. There are two sides to every coin, and a true debate will bring forth the important facts. So stay with the # 1 nightly debate program on cable news because — We Debate. You Decide.

Tonight on "Hannity & Colmes" ...

Studying the roots of terror -- Can dark lessons of yesterday help build a bright and terror free tomorrow? Answers from former Secretary of State Alexander Haig.

Also, Condoleezza Rice (search) to testify publicly before the 9/11 commission -- What hard questions might she be forced to answer? Rep. Adam Schiff , D-Calif., weighs in.

• Some said the Berlin Wall (search) would never come down — What lessons can we learn from the Cold War that can help combat terror? William F. Buckley Jr. discusses his book, "The Fall of the Berlin Wall."

• President Bush's (search) new campaign ad may be a pain in the gas for presumptive Democratic nominee John Kerry (search) — But is it accurate? Terry Holt, press secretary for Bush's re-election campaign, and Chad Clanton, Kerry campaign adviser, jump into the debate.

• Radio jock Raqiyah Mays got the boot from a Clear Channel (search) station for comments on interracial dating — She explained to her listeners why she did not like to see white women dating African-American men. We'll have the details. Did she cross the line? Or, is she a victim of the broadcast indecency debate firestorm?

All these stories and much more!

Don't miss "Hannity & Colmes" LIVE this evening at 9 p.m. ET!