Guests and Topics: July 21

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Former Clinton national security adviser Sandy Berger (search) says he regrets the way he handled classified terrorism documents, calling the whole thing "an honest mistake."

Republicans say the matter raises questions about whether the former Clinton administration official sought to hide embarrassing materials.

What really happened? We'll debate it with former Berger spokesman P.J. Crowley.

Plus, were the victims represented by Sen. John Edwards during his career as a trial lawyer fairly compensated? Have other Americans been forced to foot the bill for Edwards' cases in the wake of large settlements? ABC News correspondent John Stossel (search) has been looking into those questions and he'll share his findings from his report for "20/20" with us tonight.

Also, we'll discuss the latest from the Peterson trial when Court TV's Catherine Crier and defense attorney Debra Opri join Sean and Alan.

And later, a man who survived burial by Saddam Hussein's regime in a mass grave wants to testify against the former Iraqi dictator. We'll speak with him tonight.

Finally, Alan brings us his "Cheap Shot of the Day."

These stories and much more!

Don't miss "Hannity & Colmes" LIVE this evening at 9 p.m. and 2 a.m. ET!

The Associated Press contributed to this story.

—All topics and guests subject to change.