Guests and Topics: July 14

Don't miss the debate LIVE weeknights at 9 p.m. and 2 a.m. ET!

Stay with the # 1 nightly debate program on cable news because — We Debate. You Decide.

The same-sex marriage (search) debate has been heating up in Congress and on the campaign trail this week. Sen. John Kerry (search) has been slamming President Bush's position on the controversial issue... So why won't he take a stand on the issue? Is Kerry dodging the issue so that he can court voters?

We'll ask FOX News political analyst and former House Speaker Newt Gingrich to join the debate tonight!

And, it's been a fiery convention for the NAACP in Philadelphia so far this week. Senator Kerry is expected to address the group tomorrow... We'll talk about what's been said, so far, and what we can expect from Kerry, why President Bush turned down an invitation to speak and much more with the New York Civil Rights Coalition's Michael Meyers and the Center for Constitutional Rights' Ron Daniels.

Then, our week long search for answers to the question, "Who is John Kerry" continues when we talk with Judge Robert Farmer who tried the case that Edwards won which resulted in the largest settlement in North Carolina history.

Plus, we'll bring you the latest on the Scott Peterson (search) double-murder trial. Court TV anchor Catherine Crier joins us with exclusive information on the case! And prosecutor Ann Bremner will give us her analysis of the trial as well.

Finally, we'll talk with "War Stories" host Oliver North LIVE from Iraq.

These stories and much more!

Don't miss "Hannity & Colmes" LIVE this evening at 9 p.m. and 2 a.m. ET!

The Associated Press contributed to this story.

—All topics and guests subject to change.