Guests and Topics: January 20

Behind every significant change in American history -- There lies a great debate. Freedom of speech entitles all Americans to stand up for what they believe in. There are two sides to every coin, and a true debate will bring forth fair and balanced facts. So stay with the # 1 nightly debate program on cable news because -- We Debate. You Decide.

Tonight on Hannity & Colmes:

Tonight at 9 p.m. ET tune in for special coverage of President Bush's State of the Union address (search), hosted by FNC managing political editor Brit Hume.

Then join us at a special time, 11 p.m. ET, for reaction from the right and the left.

Improvements to the health care system (search) and the war in Iraq are likely to be on the agenda during the president's speech. These key issues may sound familiar — Democratic hopefuls have been employing them on the presidential campaign trail. Which approach is best for America?

We'll have expert political analysis, assessment and of course debate with:

• Newt Gingrich, former speaker of the House
• House Majority Leader Tom DeLay
• Sen. Evan Bayh, D-Ind., Chairman of the Democratic Leadership Council (search)
• Rep. Rob Portman, R-Ohio
• Rep. Peter Deutsch, D-Fla.
Bob Beckel, Democratic strategist
Ed Rollins, Republican strategist

All these stories and much more!

Don't miss Hannity & Colmes LIVE this evening at 9 p.m. ET!

--The Associated Press contributed to this report

-All guests and topics subject to change