Guests and Topics for Nov. 5

Here's what is on tap for Friday:

'FOX & Friends First'
Starts at 6 a.m. ET

President Bush says his second term (search) presents a "new opportunity to reach out to the whole nation." But are Kerry supporters ready to share his vision? We'll get a fair and balanced debate from Republican strategist Cheri Jacobus and Democratic strategist Scott Segal.

Is Yasser Arafat a roadblock to peace in the Middle East? We'll be joined by FOX News contributor Monica Crowley.

More threats from yet another video tape from Usama bin Laden, this one criticizing U.S. actions in Iraq. Can President Bush finally silence Al Qaeda's terror mastermind? We'll ask Philip Smuckler, author of "Al Qaeda's Great Escape."

And, President Bush is the first Republican president to win re-election since Ronald Reagan. What do the two presidents have in common? We'll get a read from Bob Colacello, author of "Ronnie and Nancy: Their Path to the White House"

'FOX & Friends'
Starts at 7 a.m. ET

We'll grade the president's first post-election press conference with David Frum, former speechwriter for President Bush.

From campaign clashes to secret candidate struggles, we'll go inside the behind the scenes battles and strategies of the presidential election with Newsweek correspondent Kevin Peraino.

Can President Bush move forward with his second term agenda? We'll ask Sen. George Allen, R-Va.

Sen. John Kerry had a star-studded show of support on the trail. But, in the end, did Hollywood's help hurt his campaign? We'll be joined by James Hirsen, columnist and author of "Tales From the Left Coast."

How will the latest employment numbers affect the president's plans for the economy? We'll get insight from the "Bulls & Bears" Chartman, Gary B. Smith, columnist for

Plus, why did this year's election exit polls get it all wrong? We'll ask independent pollster Scott Rasmussen.

And, we'll get a preview of this week's edition of "FOX News Sunday" from host Chris Wallace.

About the Show

This offbeat morning show features anchors E.D. Hill, Steve Doocy and Brian Kilmeade. They take a look at the day's news, sports and weather from a different perspective. It is an interactive show where you can call in to voice your opinion or have your e-mail read. Anything can happen and usually does!

Every day, syndicated radio host and FOX contributor Mancow joins the show with unique insights and commentary on the day's news events, bringing his own brand of offbeat and irreverent humor from his WKQX studio in Chicago.

Plus, now you can watch America's No. 1 cable news morning show seven days a week, as hosts Juliet Huddy, Julian Phillips and Mike Jerrick man the morning show ship on the weekends!

There's no telling what "FOX & Friends" will be cooking up outside our Manhattan studios on 6th Avenue. So, if you are in New York, drop by — the Morning Crew loves an audience! We are located at: 1211 Avenue of the Americas, between 47th and 48th streets.

- Note: Guests and topics subject to change. FOX News does not endorse content on external sites.