Guests and Topics for January 22

Join us Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 2 p.m. to 3 p.m. ET as we bring you FOX News Live.

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You'll get all the day's breaking news, plus:
Tom GriffithWMUR News (search) Anchor
Jennifer Skalka, political reporter - The Concord Monitor
Tom Edsall, national political writer - The Washington Post
James Comey, deputy attorney general
Michael Balboni, New York senator
Michael Meehan, senior advisor - Kerry campaign
Jamal Simmons, Clark campaign traveling press secretary
Georgette Mosbacher, author - "The Feminine Force"
Sidney Blumenthal, former Clinton advisor
Gerry Chervinsky, independent pollster

NOTE: Topics and guests are subject to change.