Guests and Topics for January 2

Join us Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 2 p.m. to 3 p.m. ET as we bring you FOX News Live.

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You'll get all the day's breaking news, plus:

• Bob Baer, former CIA operative and co-author of See No Evil
• Bill Sammon, senior White house correspondent for The Washington Times
• Eleanor Clift, contributing editor for Newsweek
• Bonnie Fuller, executive vice president and chief editorial director for American Media Inc.
Retired U.S. Army Maj. Bob Bevelacqua, FNC military analyst
U.S. Coast Guard Vice Admiral James Hull, commander Atlantic Fleet
• Cynthia Sanz, senior editor for People magazine
• Bob Pence, former FBI agent
• Amb. Dennis Ross, former special Middle East coordinator
• Lis Wiehl, FNC legal analyst
• Lawrence Eagleburger, former U.S. secretary of State
• Dick Bosa, Republican presidential candidate
• Amb. Marc Ginsberg, FNC foreign affairs analyst
• Walter Shapiro, political columnist for USA Today and author of One-Car Caravan
• Byron York, White House correspondent for the National Review
• Caroline Schaefer, senior editor of Us Weekly
• Mary Anne Marsh, Democratic strategist
• Rick Lowry, editor of The National Review
• Amb. Ray Flynn, former U.S. ambassador to the Vatican

NOTE: Topics and guests are subject to change.