Growing Up Jackson: 'King of Pop's' Children 'Never Spoiled in Any Way'

This is a rush transcript from "On the Record," July 7, 2009. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

GRETA VAN SUSTEREN, FOX NEWS HOST: What was it like at the memorial for Michael Jackson's family and friends? A close friend of Michael Jackson's, filmmaker Bryan Stoller, was at the memorial and sat with the Jackson family and friends right down on the floor, up close. Must have been tough seeing -- especially -- I mean, Paris was the toughest thing, I think, for all of us, the 11-year-old child.

BRYAN MICHAEL STOLLER, FRIEND: That broke my heart. I mean, it's still breaking. That was probably one of the most emotional things. It just -- it just -- it just hit me.

VAN SUSTEREN: You know, those kids have been out of the spotlight, and now the spotlight -- and we're not clear -- we're not sure how much they're going to be in the spotlight. But boy, how their lives have changed, lost their -- you know, their -- their only parent.

STOLLER: Yes, it's -- it's -- it's so tough. Well, I'm actually surprised that, you know, after Michael passed, that all these pictures were coming out of, you know, the kids without the masks on and all that. And it -- it's -- you know, when Michael did have the kids with masks on, people thought he was crazy. They didn't understand that. But you know, if you think about it, he did that because then the kids could go out with their nanny or with, you know, other kids and families and have a good time and not be disguised.

VAN SUSTEREN: Did the kids understand what the masks were about? Did they ever object?

STOLLER: No, the kids -- Michael always told them it was like Halloween. He always made it like a game with the kids.

VAN SUSTEREN: And so they did it every single time they were out with him?

STOLLER: Yes, and he -- again, he did it to protect them so that -- you know, so that when they went out with the nanny or friends of the family that they didn't have to do that and they could be free and have a good time.

VAN SUSTEREN: And I mean -- and, you know, it really wasn't a bad idea, in light of the fact that we put such a heavy spotlight on young people, on kids.

STOLLER: It gave the kids an opportunity to be -- to be kids and to, you know, grow up properly, you know, and not be limited. Only -- only when they were with him were they -- were the limited.

VAN SUSTEREN: What -- he had a tradition when he left (ph), the family -- what's this family tradition?

STOLLER: Well, you know, again, Neverland was a magical place. Everything -- everything was magical about it. But there were many times when I was at the house and when Michael was -- Michael and the kids were going on a trip, and the music was always playing in the air. And the staff would come out in their uniforms -- the cooks, the nanny, the -- all the helpers -- and they would stand on each side of the walkway. And it was just very magical, and Michael and the kids would walk through them. They'd kind of part for them. And they'd watch as they got into the -- you know, the limousine and would take -- you know, would drive away down the cobblestone driveway. And it was just -- it might as well have been a chariot waiting -- awaiting them and...

VAN SUSTEREN: You know, you think that these children are now incredibly rich. That estate, when all this sort of shakes out, they're going to be rich kids. You know, it's a challenge for now Katherine or whoever has custody of them to sort of raise them so that they aren't spoiled by the money.

STOLLER: Well, you know, I never saw the kids spoiled in any way. I mean, to me, they were the most normal, well-brought-up kids, polite, not - - not cocky, not greedy, not -- I mean, if you were to have met the kids and not know that their father was Michael Jackson, you would say to yourself that these are really well-brought-up kids, very well disciplined.

VAN SUSTEREN: Home-schooled and at the sort of the grade appropriate for their age?

STOLLER: Yes. I mean -- I mean, the kids -- the kids are very intelligent. And again, the majority of the time when I was up at Neverland, they were always being schooled.

VAN SUSTEREN: We spoke to Michael Jackson's nurse, and she said every time she was in the house, classical music was playing. She didn't say she heard Michael Jackson or pop or anything else, it was classical music.

STOLLER: Yes, it wasn't -- yes, actually, it wasn't Michael Jackson music. It was. It was very -- it was classical music, and it was very peaceful music, yes.

VAN SUSTEREN: And (INAUDIBLE) it would just permeate the entire house.

STOLLER: Not only the house but the whole environment. I mean, there were speakers in the rocks and the trees. So when you -- when you entered Neverland, the whole place was magical and there was music in the air everywhere.

VAN SUSTEREN: Bryan, thank you.

STOLLER: Thank you.

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