Group Compiling 411 for Cell Phones

By the end of the year, you may be able to get people’s personal cell phone numbers by dialing 411.

The wireless industry trade group CTIA (search) is compiling a nationwide database of cellular customers. Officials say the directory will be especially appealing to business people on the go and to those who use mobile instead of landline phones at home.

CTIA’s directory will be funded by the fees callers pay when they dial 411. To reduce the chance of telemarketers getting a hold of cell phone numbers, officials say they won’t sell the information to third parties, there won’t be a printed directory and the numbers won’t be available on the Internet.

Most of the major wireless providers plan to offer the option of the 411 listing to their customers, with one exception. Verizon (search) is holding off, citing privacy concerns.

Those offering the directory are trying to reassure customers that their numbers will only be listed if the specifically request it.

Click on the video box near the top of the story to watch a report by FOX News' Jonathan Serrie.