Global Warming's Real Inconvenient Truth


As the private jet-flying, limousine-riding hypocrites address the world's catastrophic warming in Copenhagen, let me share with you what Canada's national newspaper, The Financial Post, had to say about it:

"The 'inconvenient truth' overhanging the U.N.'s Copenhagen conference is not that the climate is warming or cooling, but that humans are overpopulating the world.... A planetary law, such as China's one-child policy, is the only way to reverse the disastrous global birthrate currently, which is one million births every four days."

This isn't some conspiracy notion. Look it up, it's right there in print. It also happens to be law in the most populace nation on Earth. And we're being bombarded with this climate change catastrophe hysteria every day.

Now, they're talking about the real solution: Stop having children. Well, OK, the global elite will be generous enough to allow us one — one child.

Let's put aside for now any religious overtones. Sure, for those of us who believe the Bible to be the word of God, this may seem to be a direct contradiction to the "multiply and replenish" commandment. But, maybe you're not religious and you're not concerned about any of that.

Fine, but the where are the women screaming at the top of their lungs about their reproductive rights? Do those rights only extend to eliminating children through abortion or would you like to hang on to your right to have children as well? Can a government tell you what to do with your body? Where's their favorite chant: "Get the government out of my uterus"? Well, not mine — but, theirs.

And, just for good measure, how about our freedom? Freedom for women, men, mothers, fathers, families.

There is, of course no provision in the Constitution for this kind of intrusion into our lives. So, you may be thinking, this could never happen? Really? Look at the "global" steps being considered on a nearly daily basis: global taxes; global currency; global economic rules; global solutions to climate change:


FORMER VICE PRESIDENT AL GORE: But it is the awareness itself that will drive the change, and one of the ways it will drive the change is through global government and global agreements...


We were laughed at and mocked when we pointed out that newly confirmed science "czar" John Holdren advocated population control in the 1977 book he co-authored, titled "Ecoscience." Among the techniques he considered were sterilants in drinking water and forced abortions, as China has employed. Has he ever denounced those methods? No, he has just stated that the much worried about, population explosion never happened, so they weren't necessary.

Well, here we are again, worried about population.

The climate cultists are also pushing their "less meat, less heat" mantra. But, if we have to become vegetarians to save the planet, so be it, right? After all, that's all these nations are trying to do in Copenhagen: Save the planet.

Well, I wasn't totally convinced of their good intentions, until I saw that Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez and Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe all plan to address negotiators at international climate talks in Copenhagen this week.

Ahmadinejad — with his track record of threatening to drive Israel into the sea, denying that there are any homosexuals in his country when asked at Columbia about reported executions of homosexuals; prosecuting Iranians who speak out for freedom and causing even the United Nations to voice its concerns about the increasingly grave human rights violations in his country — now there's a guy I truly believe wants to save the planet.

Or Zimbabwe's Robert Mugabe: Look at the shape Zimbabwe's in; we need to listen to this man!

And don't even get me started on the credibility of Hugo Chavez.

So, are you as convinced as I am that these fine men, with their track records, really do want to save the planet and not just hurt the West with some ridiculous climate agreement?

And we're being pummeled with all of this, in the name of a discredited global warming scam. "The Goreacle" and his minions are throwing out even lies more to cover up their initial inconvenient lies.

When asked a question about the Climate-gate scandal, Al Gore piled more lies on top of the ones he'd been peddling for years:


GORE: The north polar ice cap is melting before our very eyes. It's been the size of the continental United States for most of the last 3 million years. And now suddenly 40 percent of it's gone and the rest of it is expected to disappear within five, 10, 15 years.


Forty percent of the polar ice caps are not gone and it's preposterous to believe that they will totally disappear within 10 years. In September of 2007, there was a 25 percent reduction to the usual minimum ice cover. In the two years since, nearly all of the ice has returned.

We are not supposed to be asking these questions. We're not sticking to their script. Here's what happens when we don't follow their rules or agree that the debate is over:

Professor Stephen Schneider is asked an uncomfortable question at a U.N. climate conference — watch U.N. personnel and security shut it down:


UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Sir, I am a member of the press.

UNIDENTIFIED GUARD: If you don't shut that off I am going to take it away from you.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Sorry sir, we are the press.


I asked you to shut it off. If it happens again I am taking it away from you and you're going out. Is that understood?


In real science, the debate is never over. The climate cultists keep saying that we are flat-Earthers. Will the media ever notice? They noticed the horrible, scary signs held up by tea party protesters — the ones that warned we were headed in the wrong direction, toward fascism. The media excoriated them over those signs:


UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Do you think there's legitimate grassroots opposition going on here?

SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE NANCY PELOSI: I think they're Astroturf, you be the judge. They're carrying swastikas and symbols like that to a town meeting on health care.


But they didn't even notice the signs held up by the Climate Change supporting protesters — the ones that glorified socialism and communism! These people openly want communism, but the media are silent.

It's also interesting to me that we are the ones being compared to "flat-Earth" believers. Yet, when Galileo fought against the power structure of his time to enlighten mankind that the Earth wasn't flat and that the sun, not the Earth, was the center of the solar system, it was those who held power that tried to shut him down then — just as those in power try to shut up all those who disagree now.

Well, Galileo is in the tower again. The climate cult is just as much a state sponsored religion now, as the actual state sponsored religion was back in the Dark Ages, punishing Galileo for his opinions. And they're again locking away the dissenters in a tower of fear, harassment and atmosphere of discrediting some 30,000-plus scientists.

Look, these people have been trying to replace God.

It used to be God, government and you. For centuries, that was the accepted line. Our Founders said, wait a minute, that's out of order: It should be God, you then government.

Well, to make their new system work — which, coincidentally, is a lot like the old system — climate cultists have to get rid of God. Then they can ask, well who are you to tell me? But if they take God out of the equation, they're going to need to replace it with something and they have the planet.

Ah, now it works: Earth, government and you. You must serve the planet — the planet replaces God; it's fixed.

It all comes down to this: The climate cult wants more than just your recycling bin. If that was all this was about, I'd gladly join in. We recycle here at work, I recycle at home. I believe that we have a responsibility to be good stewards of this planet. But what they want is total submission.

It will start with legislation to limit your energy use. It will involve huge taxes — national at first, then global. They will, through the smart grid, control your home thermostat. They will limit the amount you can travel by car. But ultimately, it won't be enough, as the article in Canada's Financial Post points out.

The only way to really stop their imagined disaster is to limit the number of human beings on this planet. One child per family is negative population growth. I am against that and I think the science is settled that I'm not alone.

Who are these people that think they can tell us when we can procreate? Where are the people who've shouted: government out of my uterus; government out of my choice; government out of my bedroom?

Was it all a lie for you?

Ah, but in the end, their uterus sacrifice will be worth it because the cave-dwelling Piute trout and the salt marsh harvest mouse will finally be able to really thrive. Polar bears could number in the millions — maybe even billions. That will be the ultimate Utopia.

As we approach Christmas, the climate cult is looking more and more like Scrooge to me. And I think Charles Dickens said it best: If we are all going to die anyway, perhaps we had "better do it and decrease the surplus population."

— Watch "Glenn Beck" weekdays at 5 p.m. ET on Fox News Channel