'Glenn Beck:' Vilified By History, Was McCarthy Wrong?

This is a rush transcript from "Glenn Beck," June 24, 2010. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

GLENN BECK, HOST: Today, communism has a happy face. It's a fashion statement. Call someone a communist and it's a joke.

But as you've seen tonight from Hollywood, to class to the Oval Office, Marxism is alive and well. It is thriving here in the United States.

You might know what it is, but our children do not. We just think that somehow or another they know, but they do not. They're not taught the evil of communism and socialism. Progressives do know what it means and they can mutate it. It always mutates. It goes undercover.

Vladimir Putin was a lieutenant colonel — there he is — KGB. Artists who portray him negatively, people handing out anti-Putin information have been arrested by secret service police now.

Other opponents, like former KGB agent Alexander Litvinenko, mysteriously gets poisoned. How? Putin now has videos made glorifying him. He's pictured riding shirtless on his horseback. The guy was a KGB agent. Where was the turning point?

I believe America's turning point was Joseph McCarthy, and, again, with the Berlin Wall falling down. Joseph McCarthy was so discredited, it made it almost into a joke. And when the Berlin Wall fell down, we beat it and so now we disregarded it.

Well, here we go again down the same road.

I want to bring in M. Stanton Evans. He is the author of "Blacklisted by History: The Untold Story of Sen. Joe McCarthy".

What an honor to meet you, sir.


BECK: Do you remember I called you maybe two or three years ago?

EVANS: Three years ago.

BECK: Three years ago?

EVANS: 2007.

BECK: And I said I can't even finish your book. I can't. Remember that?

EVANS: I do.

BECK: I said I don't want to believe this stuff. And I wanted to find out if you were a crackpot or not because I didn't want to fill my head full of crackpot stuff. And we had a conversation.

EVANS: We did.

BECK: Tell me — America, this is such an important turning point — tell me when you went to go look for documents on Joseph McCarthy, what did you find or not find?

EVANS: I found a lot of stuff missing. A lot of stuff had been censored. A lot of stuff that was in the records in one place but blacked out in another place. Mostly, what I found was that the FBI files, which backed up what McCarthy was saying, had been withheld for 50 years. And we now have them, or many of them.

They show, you know, essentially that he was right in general. There was a massive penetration of the government and that it was covered up and that he threatened that cover-up. And that is why he was isolated, demonized and destroyed. That's the technique.

BECK: Right. OK. Tell me about Dies, because he was a Democrat.

EVANS: He was the precursor of McCarthy in the sense that he investigated the same things. He was doing it at the time. He was a Democrat. He was the chairman of a committee. He was doing it at a time mostly in World War II when the Soviet Union was our ally.

And so a lot of people just didn't pay any attention to him. I have his hearings. They were very fine hearings. But a lot of the information that McCarthy later had, Dies did not have. He did not have direct access to the FBI stuff. Not sure McCarthy did either, but McCarthy had more stuff coming in to him.

BECK: And McCarthy was — I mean, he was just an imperfect vessel or was he not? Was he clean? Was he just completely —

EVANS: He was imperfect as we all are.

BECK: Yes, yes.

EVANS: He made his mistakes but he was telling the truth.


EVANS: And the truth was huge. It was so huge, it turned out the big lie — was also a big truth, a truth so big that people can't believe it.

BECK: Right. That's why —

EVANS: That's what you're saying.

BECK: That's why I didn't want to read this because it changes — it changes your focus. And nobody wants to — I mean, gosh, nobody wants to believe that there were people in our government that were bad. You can believe in individuals, but you can't believe this mass kind of — this cover-up.

EVANS: There were hundreds — there were hundreds of them.

BECK: You showed me a document. Can you bring this up again?


BECK: Tell me what this document is. This, America, will horrify you.

EVANS: This is — what this is, Glenn, is a record of the so-called Yalta Conference — this was well before McCarthy came along — this was 1945 where Churchill and Roosevelt met with Stalin at Yalta, which is a resort on the Black Sea in Crimea.

And this is the transcript or minutes of what happened at that meeting. An official version of this was published but the paragraphs that I'm — you know, maybe I'll give it to you to read.

BECK: Yes.

EVANS: It's about Roosevelt saying to Stalin and Churchill that he is going to meet with the king of Saudi Arabia, after this conference — King Saud. And Stalin asked him, does he intend to make any concessions to the King Saud of Saudi Arabia. I'll let you read what the answer is for the Arabs.

BECK: "The president replied that there was only one concession he thought he might offer, and that was to give him the 6 million Jews in the United States.


BECK: This is a collection — where is this from?

EVANS: That is from the papers of Edward Stettinius, who was the secretary of state at the time of Yalta. Those papers are at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville. That paragraph —

BECK: What does he mean by he'd give —

EVANS: Well, one might think that he was closet anti-Semite. But I think it also suggests that maybe he was a little bit gaga.

BECK: This is at the end of the —

EVANS: He died two months after Yalta. And so he was — there are many other indications that he was out of it at Yalta, but that is one of the clearest. And that is edited — that's no longer in the official record.


EVANS: You have to go to the archives to find them.

BECK: How surprised were you when you first started doing research on how much has been edited and buried? We don't even know who we are.

EVANS: I was — my going in was not exactly naïve, but I've got to say — I have something I call "Evans Law of Inadequate Paranoia," which says no matter how bad you think something is, when you look into it, it's always worse.

And this — this has been totally vindicated. Every time I turn around, I find something else that makes me say, "I can't believe it." I'm like you. I can't believe this. I didn't believe that.

BECK: I want to take you next — we're going to take a break and then, we're going to come back — because some people say, "That's ancient history." Yes, sure. You'll discredit Founders, but something that happened in 1948 or '58 is ancient history.

Let's go to today. And we have the timeline here. Show me what is being affected now. The same things that happened then that are happening now. Hang on, we'll be back in just a second.


BECK: America, I'm with M. Stanton Evans. I'm looking for the book. I don't know where I put it.

Are you related to M. Night Shyamalan — no?



BECK: "Blacklisted by History: The Untold Story of Sen. Joe McCarthy". Please, please get this book. How old is this?

EVANS: It came out in 2007.

BECK: OK. It is — it's frightening. It's frightening. But it's the truth and here is why you need to know history, because it's repeating itself.

And I want to talk a little bit about the parallels between the Obama administration and the FDR administration as it comes into play with communists.

We have Marxists, Maoists, communists in and around the White House influencing and actually working with. We had that with FDR. Both denied it at the time. Yes or no?

EVANS: Well, you know a lot more about generally now than I do. I tell people if it happened after 1954, I don't know anything about it.


I'm stuck in the '50s doing this stuff. But I have listened to you and I know you know a lot about this. But I know what happened back then, and there are a lot of similarities. And one of the things that is similar is this use of a crisis to railroad every kind of radical thing possible that otherwise would never be feasible. You couldn't get it done.

BECK: Were they denying in FDR? They denied that there were any communists in there.

EVANS: Well, they went different ways. One of the things that happened was — remember World War II, the Soviet Union was our big ally.

BECK: Right.

EVANS: And they had a doctrine called mirror membership in the Communist Party. These are communists, so what is the problem here?

BECK: Kind of like what we have now.

EVANS: Little bit. I have a chapter on this called the Witching Hour, which meant when the witches were there. They looked at the government and said, "You know what the problem is with the government? There are not enough communists in there. We have to go out and get more communists."

So there was an Affirmative Action program for communists. And so they flooded into the government. This one is temporary wartime agencies, the Office of Strategic Services, Office of War Information. Those guys at the end of the war were dumped into the State Department. That's where all the McCarthy — most of the McCarthy cases came from. They came from those agencies.

So there was definitely the cover of the crisis and the domestic problems. And also, in that case, the war became the pretext for putting these people in the government. And so the parallels to what you are talking about are there.

BECK: OK. Let me talk to you about this man, Cass Sunstein.


BECK: I think — I've said, and nobody in the press — they don't even question why I even say this. They just discredit me for it. I think he's the most dangerous man in America. Would you agree?

EVANS: Well, again, what I know about him I know from you. Mostly, I listen to you talk about Sunstein and you know, what little hair I got stand on end.

BECK: He's been watching the show. He's actually only 30 years old.

EVANS: I wish. Tell you what — Sunstein, you talked about this requiring the links of Internet, you know, to the other side.

BECK: He talked about going and infiltrating and discrediting and —

EVANS: I listen to every word you said about that. And I said this is — because it's exactly parallel, the silencing part, to a document that is almost 50 years old, called "The Reuther Memorandum" that was issued back in the Kennedy era, authored by a man named Victor Reuther who was the brother of Walter Reuther, one of the people that I think you have been looking at with some interest.

And this was basically how to silence conservatives in all the departments of our life, but particularly on the airwaves. And out of that came the Fairness Doctrine, which said, in essence, that if you put on the air a program by a conservative that is paid, you then have to put on equal time program free for the opposite point of view.

BECK: Right.

EVANS: Very similar to what you read from —

BECK: With Cass Sunstein.

EVANS: That gentleman.


EVANS: And that was 1963.

BECK: All right. We're — I want to come back because here is Cass Sunstein on conspiracy theories. Is communism un-American? And a new article that just came out, "The Anatomy of a Smear." We'll do that next.


BECK: We have so much to go over and so little time, as usual. I mean, these are the Venona Papers. This is top secret from — this is KGB stuff. We have to go over this. We have so much. We're going to have to come back another day.

But I wanted to — I wanted to stop here because if anybody — if anybody believes in any of this stuff, I can guarantee you — and you know it to be true — because I've said, read this book — immediately, I will be a conspiracy theorist. I will be, you know — you name it. You've lived it your whole life. There is a —

EVANS: Not entirely yet.


BECK: There is a — this article came out in Town Hall Magazine and it's on me. And it's called "The Anatomy of a Smear: How the Left is Fighting to Silence Glenn Beck." And it is amazing. It's written Meredith Jessup. It is an amazing article, the only article that I have read that actually uses the facts to say, no, no, here is what happened. Here is how they used it. This is a system and they have done it to people in that entire timeline there.

EVANS: It's happened both domestically and in foreign policy.

Anti-communist leaders like Mihajlovic in Yugoslavia, Chiang Kai-shek in China and others were de-legitimized by the very same technique. A Soviet agent named James Klugmann was responsible for sending back to Churchill this information about Mihajlovic, who was the anti- communist in Yugoslavia. It was no good and he was collaborating with Nazis. And only Tito was fighting against the Nazis — completely false. Churchill cut off Mihajlovic. They gave all their aid to Tito. Yugoslavia goes communist.

Soviet agent named Solomon Adler sitting in Chungking, China in 1944 sending back similar reports about Chiang Kai-shek: Chiang Kai-shek is not fighting the Japanese. He's a collaborator. Only the communists were fighting the Japanese. They then cut off Chiang Kai-shek, gave the agent to the communists. China fell to the communists. It's a pattern.

BECK: It's over and over again. America, just have no fear. Have no fear. Know the truth. The truth shall set you free. It's going to make you miserable first, but the truth shall set you free. Thank you, sir. God bless you.

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