'Glenn Beck': Progressives' Writings Reveal Closeted Racism

This is a rush transcript from "Glenn Beck," August 3, 2010. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.


REP. PETE STARK, D - CALIF: The federal government, yes, can do most anything in this country.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: You sir and people that think like you are destroying this nation.


STARK: Well, I'm sure glad you're here to save it. Makes me feel very comfortable.


GLENN BECK, HOST: OK. Where does that arrogance come? Where is the progressive movement finding the arrogance?

It's more than elitism. This is the way progressives have been throughout history. I'll show you this eugenics and the progressive movement. This is an old eugenics display.

Here's — I love this — this is — this is actually the National Committee for the Prevention of Blindness. To somebody who has an eye disorder, I think this is great. It's just to people with eyes that don't work.

Before I play "Name the President" I want to tell you about Charles Davenport. He was great. He was a progressive performer in the late 1800s and early 1900s. He and Grant, the guy that wrote this book, are kind of really the co-founders. He — Davenport is credited as founder of the American eugenics movement — very, very influential.

The thought that science — the science of eugenics, this, would rid the world of all of the problems of crime and poverty and feeblemindedness, stupidity. Because of what they wrote and what they did and how many people that were influential, the elitists. Davenport was personally responsible for 65,000 Americans that were sterilized.

Well, anyway, this good scientist, he wrote — he wrote a letter to a president. And you play guess the president. He's checking his e-mail and he finds this response. And here it is. This is the actual letter.

It says, "Dear, Mr. Davenport, I'm greatly interested in your memoirs you've sent me. They're very instructive. I agree with you that society has no business to permit degenerates to reproduce their kind."

It gets much, much worse: "It is really extraordinary that our people refuse to apply to human beings such elementary knowledge as every successful farmer is obliged to apply to his own stock breeding. Any group of farmers who permitted their best stock not to breed, and let all the increase come from the worse stock, would be treated as fit for inmates as an — in an asylum."

Do you have that? Remember what I said, are they chasing you into a barn? Come on, little sheep. Come on.

Here, we have a president who says we should treat people like livestock.

The president closes with this sweet tender thought: "Some day we will realize that the prime duty of good citizen of the right type is to leave his blood behind him in the world and that we have no business to perpetuate citizens of the wrong type."

Faithfully yours — name the president. Anybody? Just shout it out. Who do you think it is?

It's not Woodrow Wilson. John McCain's favorite president — Theodore Roosevelt.

By the time this segment is over, they might start scraping off one of the faces in Mount Rushmore, at least in your head. Because Theodore Roosevelt — it wasn't just one letter.

Theodore Roosevelt also believed — are you ready? This isn't ancient. This does tie to today. Quote, "The presence of the Negro is the real problem; slavery is merely the worst possible method of solving the problem."

Hang on just a second. So, the problem with — the Negro problem is that we have Negroes. Oh, OK, thank you, Theodore Roosevelt.

Now, let me ask you. Have we heard this kind of talk before? Hey, wait a minute! In the Weather Underground, right?

The real problem with the country is these capitalists. We wouldn't have a problem with the capitalism if it wasn't for all these capitalists. It just depends who the group is.

Now, this book — this book, if it had a celebrity cover endorsement back then like we have now, this is called "The Passing of the Great Race," impossible to find. This book is the book on eugenics. And these are actual endorsements of this. We're not making this up.

If it had celebrity endorsements, it would say this one. Here's the first one: "All Americans should be grateful for this book," Teddy Roosevelt.

Or here's my favorite. "This book is my Bible," Adolf Hitler.

It's not just Roosevelt, who was a Republican, or Davenport who was a Republican. It was Wilson who was a Democrat. It was — it was all the way along the line in progressives. Progressives.

Progressivism knows no party line. The heralded Woodrow Wilson believed, quote, "The white man of the south were aroused by the mere instinct of self-preservation to rid themselves, by fair means or foul, of the intolerable burden of the government sustained by the votes of the ignorant Negroes."

Replace Negroes with Tea Party voters. Why not? Why not? Because I can replace something else.

Do you notice he said, "We could remove them by fair means or foul"? What does that mean? Hey, that sounds like an old time version of Saul Alinsky. Does the end justify the means? His answer: yes.

Fair or foul — isn't that what they're doing with everything now? Doesn't matter if it's fair or foul, just do it because they know better, people are stupid.

Wilson also told a black delegation that, quote, "Segregation is not humiliation but a benefit, and so you ought to be regarded by you gentlemen." Really?

Teddy Roosevelt was the first progressive. Woodrow Wilson was a progressive. These are the progressives of the early 20th century that Hillary Clinton modeled herself after and talked about during the debates.

But tea party-goers and conservatives are the racists.

Now, people will say that's all ancient history. I know, because that's what they said about 1970 when we talked about it last week. It's ancient history.

But if you don't know your history, you will be doomed to repeat it. During World War II, Davenport, this guy's partner. Davenport, the American citizen, the eugenics genius, he actually maintained contact with Germany and helped with their eugenics program, we know that eugenics program as the Holocaust.

You see, it didn't matter if we were at war with Germany. These people believed in this stuff.

Now, it's politically unpopular to say this. Unpopular to say a lot of things they said during those times. Progressives have not changed their viewpoint. They've only changed their language. And now, they hide behind academia.

Let me ask you, you know, if you can — if you can snuff the weak out because it's good for the collective, that's old-timey stuff, that's in this old dusty book.

What's the difference between that and the current science czar John Holdren? He said this in 1977: "Adding a sterilant to drinking water or staple foods is a suggestion that seems to horrify people, most — than most proposals for involuntarily fertility control. Indeed, this would pose some difficult political, legal and social questions, as to say nothing of the technical problems. No such sterilant exists today nor does one appear to be under development. To be acceptable, such substance would have to meet with some rather stiff requirements."

Really? No talk about ethics. I want to leave you, America, with three questions. Three questions. When you are talking about this kind of evil and you see the past, are you going to leave it there?

When you see the arrogance of the past and where it led and the arrogance here, and stuff that is all upside down — collective salvation — do you roll the dice that that's just academia?

The second question, do you believe that our politicians are arrogant and will do whatever it is they want to do for their own glorification or they're own salvation or their own wallet?

And the third question is, and probably the most important — although we have never really truly achieved it, do we all truly believe that all men are created equal?

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