German Couple Finds Out Stork Isn't Real

A childless German couple finally found out why they weren't able to conceive — they had never had sex.

Doctors at the Lübeck campus of the University Clinic of Schleswig-Holstein (search) in northern Germany described the case in a medical bulletin, according to

After eight years of marriage, the 36-year-old man and his 30-year-old wife went to the campus' fertility clinic to figure out what was wrong.

Doctors gave them a battery of tests and were baffled — both husband and wife were healthily fertile.

Then came the important question.

"When we asked them how often they had had sex," said a clinic spokesman, "they looked blank, and said: 'What do you mean?'"

He went on to explain that each of the pair had been brought up extremely religiously and had never heard of the birds and the bees.

"We are not talking retarded people here," the  clinic spokesman said. The two "were simply unaware, after eight years of marriage, of the physical requirements necessary to procreate."

The man and wife are now being given sexual therapy. The clinic is trying to find out if there are other couples in the area who could use a refresher course in human biology.

— Thanks to Out There reader Steve G.

Drunken Stripper Beats Airport Security, Gets On Plane

Officials in Scotland, always on alert for terrorism, were red-faced after an intoxicated exotic dancer breached an airport's security and managed to get into the cockpit of an airplane — where she promptly passed out.

Soraya Wilson, 22, had just broken up with her boyfriend and was drunk and distraught, reports the London Sun.

She somehow got past security and police at Aberdeen Airport (search) in northern Scotland, climbed over a barbed-wire fence, staggered down the runway and found herself a nice warm plane to sleep in — all while wearing only her work outfit, according to the Sun.

"I had too much to drink and somehow ended up at the airport," Wilson explained. "I was just trying to find a place to spend the night."

Eight hours later, airport staffers found her fast asleep in the cockpit of a private jet.

"I don't know who was more embarrassed when they found me, the security men or me," Wilson told the Sun, "because I was just wearing my knickers and a little top when I woke up."

Airport officials promptly launched an investigation into the security lapse.

"The young woman was found aboard an aircraft last Thursday and an investigation is under way," said a spokesman for the British Airports Authority.

Man Discovers Too Late He's Allergic to Cicadas

BLOOMINGTON, Ind. (AP) — A man who cooked and ate nearly 30 cicadas sought medical treatment after suffering a strong allergic reaction to the sautéed insects.

The man showed up at a Bloomington clinic Thursday covered from head-to-toe in hives, and sheepishly told a doctor he'd caught and eaten the cicadas after sautéing them in butter with crushed garlic and basil.

"He said they didn't taste too bad, but his wife didn't care for the aroma," said Dr. Al Ripani, the doctor who treated the man at Promptcare East.

The man, who has a history of asthma and shellfish allergies, suffered a "significant allergic reaction," after eating the cicadas, Ripani said.

He said he gave the man antihistamines, steroids and a shot of adrenaline, then observed him for two hours before sending him home.

After living underground for 17 years and feeding on tree roots, the so-called Brood X cicadas (search) are emerging by the billions across the eastern U.S.

Ripani said recent newspaper articles extolling the tastiness of cicada cuisine should have warned people that dining on the bugs can be dangerous for some people.

"Severe food allergies such as this can be fatal," he said. "I feel that needs to be stressed in these articles."

He said the University of Maryland's department of entomology's Cicada-licious cookbook, which includes recipes for Cicada Stir-Fry and Cicada Dumplings, contains a disclaimer urging people to consult a doctor before eating cicadas.

"We ask that you please take special caution if you have other food allergies, such as soy, nuts or shellfish, or if you know of any contact allergies that you may have to other insects," it states.

— Thanks to Out There readers Joe J. and Don W.

Maybe the German Couple Should Take Classes Here

CHAMBLEE, Ga. (AP) — Some Chamblee High School students expecting to see the usual morning announcements instead glimpsed a hard-core prank Tuesday morning.

School administrators were trying to determine who swapped a pornographic videotape for the school announcements tape, sending the images out to several classrooms.

"Our children in our news class do a tape each morning of the Chamblee morning news, and they bring it to the media center, and our media center specialist puts it into the machine," said assistant principal Becky Chambers.

Before the program is broadcast, the media specialist leaves the media center and goes to the main office, to turn on an audio feed to two or three places in the high school that do not have closed-circuit televisions, Chambers said.

"In the seconds that it took her to walk out of her office and head up the hall, some student — we don't know who — took the tape out of the machine and inserted a very inappropriate tape," Chambers said.

"A couple of the classrooms — fortunately not all of them had it on — got a very inappropriate feed for a matter of some seconds before a teacher could fly up here and alert us and we could fly back down the hall and pull the tape out," she said.

One parent who complained characterized the tape as hard-core pornography, but Chambers said she didn't view the tape and couldn't confirm its contents. Administrators were watching security camera tapes to try to determine who made the switch.

Chambers said that with this being the last week of school, a senior prank "would be my best guess at this point."

— Thanks to Out There reader Brian R.

Mysterious Blood Came From Inside House

DAVENPORT, Iowa — Human blood found splattered throughout the home of an elderly couple came from the woman's leg, police said Monday.

Elmer and Viola Stacy, of Davenport, woke up on May 11 and found the blood splattered on the floor, furniture and lower walls in their kitchen and living room and down a hallway.

Police first thought an animal got inside the house, but an analysis showed it was human blood.

Tests performed Monday determined the blood came from an arterial hemorrhage on a lower portion of Viola Stacy's leg.

Scott County Sheriff's Capt. Mike Brown said Viola Stacy, who is 90, didn't realize she was bleeding. He said the hemorrhage could have been as small as a pinhole but could have shot blood out at a forceful rate.

"She's elderly, and she most likely had been sleeping," Brown said.

The bleeding probably stopped as quickly as it started, Brown said. There were no bloodstains around her bed, he said.

"When we arrived, she was not bleeding," Brown said. "That's why we couldn't figure it out."

Hospital tests turned up no injuries on Viola Stacy.

Except for the bloodstains throughout the house, nothing was out of place, Brown said.

"It's a very nice, neat and tidy house. It was clean. Nothing was amiss and nothing was knocked over."

Brown said he spoke to other law enforcement officials who said they've encountered the same situation in the past.

"It's rare, but it's not unheard of," he said.

Brown said the couple, who stayed with a daughter for a few days, planned to return home. He said Viola Stacy was under the observation of medical doctors.

"So far, she's doing good," Brown said.

You're Rejected. No, You're Not. Yes, You Are

DAVIS, Calif. (AP) — University of California, Davis (search), officials apologized Friday for mistakenly sending 90 rejected applicants e-mails telling them they should sign up for summer advising.

The e-mail was sent this week by UC Davis' new electronic system that's designed to simplify the application and enrollment process, said Yvonne Marsh, UC Davis assistant vice chancellor for enrollment services.

The 90 applicants were trying to transfer from community colleges to UC Davis. They had received e-mails in April notifying them that they hadn't been admitted for the next school year, Marsh said. But Wednesday, the campus system sent a reminder to admitted students about a summer advising program.

Marsh apologized to the students, saying the campus was "truly sorry for any confusion and disappointment that our mistake has caused you and your family."

In March, UC Davis had to apologize for erroneously notifying 6,000 students that they had received a prestigious scholarship.

Compiled by's Paul Wagenseil.

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