
Did voters in Georgia have a case of buyers' remorse?

We may never know. This much we do: Saxby Chambliss foiled Democrats' attempts to get a filibuster-proof 60 votes in the Senate.

Now, did Chambliss foil them because voters in Georgia just like him or don't like the prospect of slam dunk Democratic Senate without him?

I suspect both.

I also suspect that voters there have gotten wind of Democrats' plans a few hundred miles north of there — in Washington.

Where the new majority isn't wasting any time planning big stimulus, big spending and just big government, period.

Clearly, most voters in this country were in a mood for change. But that kind of change? That kind of stimulus? That kind of spending?

When they turned out at the polls, did they know they'd be bailing out everyone sucking up to polls? I doubt it. I doubt it very much.

Look, clearly the country wanted to move in a new direction. I'm just not entirely sure this direction.

Which now explains to me the incredibly savvy moves by President-elect Obama since this election.

He could have run to the left and try to out-Pelosi Pelosi.

He's been far more measured. Windfall profit taxes — out. Higher taxes on the rich — maybe further out.

Maybe because Georgia was very much on his mind and he was very mindful of the caution Georgians would be showing on their minds.

Some on the left don't flip over the approach Obama is taking. They even ignore the signals the Peach State might be sending.

They do either at their own peril.

Americans elected Democrats for change. Not to empty their pockets of all their change.

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