Gasoline-Carrying Intruder Arrested at Beckham Home

An intruder with a can of gasoline was arrested after scaling a wall around the grounds of David and Victoria Beckham's (search) home, a spokesman for Victoria Beckham said.

The Sun newspaper reported Tuesday that the former Spice Girl was at home with the couple's young sons, Brooklyn and Romeo, at the time of Sunday's incident at the mansion, dubbed "Beckingham Palace." (search)

Hertfordshire Police confirmed a 38-year-old man had been arrested at the estate north of London on suspicion of possessing an article intended to cause criminal damage.

A spokesman for Victoria Beckham, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said the couple's private security guards apprehended the man before police officers and a helicopter arrived at the scene.

The alleged intruder, who also was suspected of drug possession, was released on bail and ordered to return to a local police station on Sept. 24.

The Sun reported that the man appeared angry with Beckham and intended to burn down the house, but police would release no details.