Fox News Reporting: Global Warming ... or a Lot of Hot Air?

Sunday, December 20 at 9 p.m. ET
Hosted by Bret Baier

The global warming debate appears as polarized as you can get: One side fears environmental ruin unless we quickly cut carbon emissions even if that severely disrupts our way of life. The other predicts economic ruin from trillion-dollar plans to re-order the global economy and redistribute the world's wealth.

As world leaders gathered at the Copenhagen conference on climate change, the controversy grew even hotter: Leaked e-mails cast doubt on the integrity of leading scientists; a cap-and-trade bill stalled in the Senate, and the Obama administration threatened an end-run around Congress.

Fox News unpacks this complicated, but hugely important story. It includes interviews with top United Nations climate officials, researchers who upset the global warming consensus and the U.S. lawmakers fighting it out on Capitol Hill.