Former Miss Norway Disses Beauty Pageants, Drinks Guys Under Tables

Former Miss Norway Monica Hansen Disses Beauty Pageants, Sues Plastic Surgeon Over Breast Implant Exposure | Carrie Prejean Fights Back in New Anti Gay Marriage Campaign | Hef Says Holly is Welcome Back … But Definitely Not as Girlfriend | Leah Remini Refuses to Shower With Her Husband

Former Miss Norway Monica Hansen Disses Beauty Pageants, Sues Plastic Surgeon Over Breast Implant Exposure, Drinks Guys Under Tables

She’s known across the world as one of the most bangin’ bikini babes — but Monica Hansen is no Miss Universe. After unexpectedly being crowned Miss Norway in 1997 (she was entered into the competition by a friend as a joke) Hansen didn’t go on to compete in the now Donald Trump-owned pageant. Even though the Miss Universe Organization reportedly told her it was too late to drop out after she explained the situation, Hansen was struck down by a not-so-healthy gall bladder.

"Beauty pageants bring out the best and worst in women: on one hand they enhance already high level of cattiness women are known for, on the other hand they sure help the contestants to overcome their shyness, improve self-esteem and unleash the go-getter in each of them," Hansen told Tarts in an exclusive interview. "But overall I view pageants as a bit silly - yet one can't discount the entertainment factor." (And based on the whirlwind two weeks surrounding Miss California’s controversial gay marriage response at Miss USA, that’s an understatement).

So while Hansen may consider the concept of catty queens pretty entertaining, she was far from amused when a plastic surgeon used her famous face and figure to promote breast implants on his website without her consent. The 6"1 stunner recently filed a lawsuit against Dr. Leonard M. Hochstein for splashing copyrighted snaps of her assets across his site, and according to Hansen the case is only now starting to heat up. But dodgy docs aren’t the only downfall of the modeling industry, it seems Miss Monica has had and continues to have run-ins with the murky men behind the lens.

PHOTOS: Click here to see photos of Monica Hansen.

"The modeling industry is very sexist. Being a model you become a symbol/object of all what human desire is about — including sex. There are always disparaging men that comes along with that," Hansen admitted. "You have to have a very strong head on your shoulders in order to make it in this industry. You don’t have to take crap from these men, but it’s easy to fall into the traps they lay out."

But hey, there are times even away from the set when being blonde, busty and beautiful has bewitching benefits …

"One time a girlfriend and I got pulled over for a driving on red light, and we used our charm to get out of it," she laughed.

As one of the most in-demands swimsuit starlets today (who also happens to be a painter, speaks seven languages, spends spare time helping the homeless and writes a travel tips column for Hansen divides her time between Norway and the United States, but can’t seem to draw a conclusion on which country breeds the better boys.

"Norwegian men are more straight forward and transparent. They will call you the minute they get your phone number, and tell you right away if they like you or how they feel about you. The American man is more of a game-player. He is more likely to wait a few days before he calls you, after meeting you for the first time," she explained. "American men are also more "old fashioned" on the first date versus Norwegian men, they would pay the first drink or dinner.

"Norwegian men would most likely expect you to pay your own drink or dinner the first time you meet. I don’t have any preference, as I believe suitable men exist in every country, but I generally like when a man is honest and straight up, rather than over-strategizing and playing silly games."

But one thing is for sure, no matter what land her man is from she can drink them right under the table.

"I am not a heavy drinker by nature, but I grew up in Norway where women and men don’t just drink to get drunk, but until you pass out," Hansen added. "I can for sure handle a few drinks with no problems, and I can sure drink a few guys under the table …"

Carrie Prejean Fights Back in New Anti Gay Marriage Campaign

While former Miss Californians Tamiko Nash and Raquel Beezley and current Miss California Director Shanna Moakler have been busy this week posing for a NO H8 Campaign to overturn Proposition 8 in California, the reigning Miss California has been busy promoting her new television ad campaign against gay marriage for the National Organization for Marriage.

The controversial ad entitled "No Offense" shows Carrie Prejean expressing her support for traditional marriage and then being attacked for explaining her support for marriage between a man and a woman as well as featuring footage of a gay marriage activist from the Human Rights Campaign referring to supporters of marriage as "outright bigots."

"Carrie only said what the majority of Americans believe: marriage means a man and a woman," Maggie Gallagher, president of NOM said in a statement. "Her example resonates, especially to many young Americans, because she chose to stand for truth rather than surrender her core values. The behavior of Carrie's critics raises a question in a lot of folks’ minds: if this is how they treat good people who disagree with them now, what will they do once they have the power of the law on their side?"

The move no doubt will upset the Miss California pageant team even more as they have reportedly asked their contestant (who could still go on to be Miss USA if Kristen Dalton scoops the Miss Universe title in August).

"Carrie is going to have to stop doing the press circuit about how great it is she used the First Amendment and her First Right, and really sit down with these people that she’s hurt," Moakler told Tarts last week.

Hef Says Holly is Welcome Back … But Definitely Not as Girlfriend

Hugh Hefner and Holly Madison will always share something special, but as far as a rekindling their romance the men’s magazine mogul couldn’t be happier with his current three beauties.

"I'm in love with Crystal Harris and wouldn't trade her or the Shannon Twins for anyone in the past. I have no idea where these crazy stories come from," he told Tarts in a statement, adding that the idea he’s pining over his ex and former number one was pure fiction.

But the main person on Hef’s mind this weekend won’t be old ladies, or his new ladies, for that matter - it will be the lucky lady who gets the coveted Playmate of the Year crown at the Palms Resort & Casino in Las Vegas on Saturday night.

"Everyone keeps asking me if I’m sad (to relinquish the title) but I’m actually really excited," reigning PMOY Jayde Nicole recently told Tarts. "It has opened so many doors and there is so much opportunity for me at the moment. I am so excited for the new girl; it's going to change her life."

And given the careers that alums such as Kimberly Conrad, Anna Nicole Smith and Jenny McCarthy went on to have, she has reason to be pretty pumped up …

Leah Remini Refuses to Shower With Her Husband

Leah Remini is passionate about conserving water and helping the environment, but she was very adamant about drawing the line at showering with her husband of almost six years, actor Angelo Pagan.

"I would do something else like change a light bulb or put in solar panels on my roof before I ever will shower with my husband," Remini told Tarts at the Natural Resources Defense Council’s 2oth Anniversary Celebration in Beverly Hills on Saturday. "That is my time and I don't know what they do in the shower and I don't want to know what they do in the shower."

But it seems at least some of her Hollywood counterparts think differently.

"(Everyone) should absolutely shower together," Ed Begley Jr. said. "Rachelle and I do and they should use a low flow shower head but take a shorter shower, if you're going to do it together, you're probably going to busy with other things soon, so take a shorter shower."

And "Saved By the Bell" alum Mark Paul Gosselaar is a showering-together activist without even knowing it.

"I just took a shower with my kids today and I don't know if that's conserving water, but in my family we're well aware of water conservation and we don't take it for granted," added Gosselaar.