Florida Men Charged After Instigating Brawl With Deputies

Two Sarasota, Fla. men are facing charges after allegedly picking a fight with four off-duty sheriff's deputies—and the whole incident was caught on tape.

Click here for the report from MyFoxTampaBay.com.

The deputies, who are from Osceola County, were in Sarasota for the Annual Fire and Police Olympics. They said they were coming back to their rooms at the Hampton Inn on Cattleridge Road after having dinner when two men, 25-year-old Michael Kowal and 22-year-old Richard Marshall, began arguing with them. They say one of them even took a swing.

According to the deputies, the fight went from outside the hotel to the lobby before it was broken up.

All four of the men who were attacked received treatment for minor injuries.

Meanwhile, both Kowal and Marshall are charged with battery. There's no word on why they allegedly confronted the deputies.