Fish Story Still Fishy

The case of the missing Alaskan fish may — or may not — have been solved.

"A ton of rotting fish" was found underneath a baggage conveyor belt at Ted Stevens Anchorage International Airport (search), Continental Airlines employee Brenee Davis told the Anchorage Daily News.

As earlier reported in Out There, Kenmore, Wash., resident Ray Bolanos found that about 40 pounds of freshly cut halibut had vanished from his luggage on an Anchorage-to-Seattle flight on June 24. His cooler had been opened, and a rope he'd tied around the outside of the container had mysteriously migrated inside.

Davis said she can't prove the stinky fish was Bolanos', but "we're taking a lucky guess."

Bolanos is not convinced.

"It's not something that was chewed off," he said of the rope. "It was a clear cut."

Davis did admit she hadn't seen the fish herself, and that other employees had thrown it out.

"We've gone through a few cans of Lysol," she added.

Bolanos has an ally in another Alaska tourist, Marian Maxwell of Renton, Wash., who says 20 pounds of halibut, a box of bullets and some fishing tackle vanished from her bags on another Continental flight from Anchorage to Seattle.

"I suppose that jumped out of her luggage also," Bolanos told the newspaper.

Maxwell says her fish boxes were the last pieces of luggage to come off the plane, their lids opened and the pieces of twine that had secured them sitting on top.

"I personally believe that it happened in Seattle," she said.

Bolanos' tale will have a happy ending, however. Seldovia Fishing Adventures (search), a recreation company in the village where he caught the 63-pound halibut in the first place, is donating replacement fish and will have it flown to Anchorage, from where Continental will take it for free to Seattle.

"Oh, my goodness gracious," Bolanos said when told about the arrangement. "That's great."

Bank Loses Track of Teller

Banks are meant to keep track of funds, but at least one's not so good at counting its employees.

A bank teller in Brooklyn, N.Y., found herself locked inside her Washington Mutual bank Sunday, reports the New York Daily News.

She emerged from the ladies' room just after 1 p.m., the branch's closing time. Her colleagues had already shut the place up and turned on the alarm system.

Desperate, the teller called 911, prompting her manager to hurry down to the bank with a locksmith and her own five children in tow.

Most banks are closed Sunday, but the branch is in a heavily Orthodox Jewish neighborhood where almost all commercial establishments close on Saturday instead.

"She was trying to break out," joked a worker at a nearby hat shop. "Doesn't she know most people try to break in?"

'Rabinoblitz' Finally Makes His Mark

CAPE TOWN, South Africa (AP) — It took him two tries, but South African Philip Rabinowitz made it into the "Guinness Book of Records" Saturday as the fastest 100-year-old to run 100 meters.

Rabinowitz made his run at the Green Point stadium in 30.86 seconds, beating the previous record of 36.1 seconds.

Last week Rabinowitz also broke the record, clocking 28.7 seconds at the Mandela Park Athletics (search) stadium in Khayelitsha, outside Cape Town. But a power outage stopped the official electronic clock, so the time was not recorded or recognized.

But the man known as "Rabinoblitz" and "Flying Phil" was not deterred, and this week he returned for a second try, the South African Broadcasting Corp. reported.

Rabinowitz already holds the record for world's oldest competitive walker.

He practices daily by walking 3.7 miles and sticks to a healthy diet. Rabinowitz, who turned 100 in February, still works, handling accounts for his daughter's business.

He participated in the South African leg of the Olympic torch relay across the globe earlier this year.

Have Drugs, Will Wander

CANAAN, Conn. (AP) — A Delaware college student ate a bag of hallucinogenic mushrooms and drove around in a pair of stolen cars before arriving, confused, on a mountain in northwest Connecticut police said.

Paul Cunningham, 21, hiked to a nearby home Thursday night and asked to call 911, police said.

"I think I stole a car," Cunningham told a dispatcher. "I'm not sure."

Police said Cunningham, of Dover, Del., confessed that eating an entire bag of mushrooms, "probably wasn't a good idea."

He allegedly told investigators that he had no idea how many laws he broke during a three-day excursion that took him 300 miles from home.

A student at Wilmington College (search), he told a state trooper that he bought the drugs in Dover on Monday, according to the Republican-American of Waterbury. The next day, he went for a drive and twice got lost in Connecticut.

He told police he remembers taking a train to LaGuardia Airport in New York, where he found a car with its keys in it. He's unsure where he went from there.

"I once again found myself lost in Connecticut," Cunningham reportedly told police.

After locking the keys in the stolen car, Cunningham allegedly stole a van from a Southbury rest stop.

In Canaan, he decided to climb Music Mountain (search) to see what was on the other side, police said. Investigators believe the exercise cleared Cunningham's head.

"I want to correct my mistakes," Cunningham reportedly told Trooper Andre Roy. "In retrospect, this was a bad idea."

He volunteered a written confession, police said. He was arraigned Friday and was held on $2,500 bail. Both stolen vehicles were recovered.

Dog Finally Old Enough to Rent a Car

CANBERRA, Australia (AP) — A 26-year-old mongrel living with an Aboriginal family in Australia's Outback has the potential to become the world's oldest living dog, a newspaper reported Sunday.

Jerry, an Australian cattle dog-bull terrier cross, will next month turn 27 — the equivalent of 189 years for a human — said Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals veterinarian Honey Nelson in Sydney's Daily Telegraph.

"He will be 27 ... years in August — I have no doubt at all," Nelson reportedly said after examining Jerry. "He could push on to 28, going by his good body condition."

The oldest living dog in the 2004 edition of "Guinness World Records" is Butch, a 27-year-old beagle in the U.S. state of Virginia.

Jerry's owner, Waddie Harris — an Aboriginal tribal leader in New South Wales state's Wilcannia town, put Jerry's longevity down to his high-protein diet of Outback wildlife.

"Jerry has grown up on kangaroo, rabbit and emu as well as scraps off the table," the newspaper quoted Harris as saying.

An Australian cattle dog named Bluey, who died in 1939 at age 29, is thought to have been the world's oldest dog, the newspaper said.

Fake Ronald McDonald Goes Berserk

OSLO, Norway (AP) — This Ronald McDonald was in no mood to clown around.

Diners at a crowded McDonald's in southern Norway were stunned when a man dressed as Ronald came in Thursday and launched into a tirade criticizing the Oak Brook, Ill.-based chain's policies, the outlet's owner said.

The impostor — a performance artist — refused to leave and had to be taken away in handcuffs as the restaurant's patrons, including several children, looked on. The incident made national news in Norway on Friday.

"He was screaming and yelling. It was very unpleasant," said Alf Floernes, owner of the restaurant in the southern town of Kristiansand. "It was supposedly some sort of art. If that is art, I'm a truck."

The stunt was organized by a troupe of artists as "sort of a demonstration against McDonald's," Norwegian media reported.

"It was very organized," Floernes said. "A big gang came in with him and was laughing and shouting in the back."

Norwegian news agency NTB identified the Ronald impersonator as Ole Bernt. It said he was likely to be fined for causing a disturbance.

Compiled by's Paul Wagenseil.

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