Finding a Missing Child

This is a partial transcript from "On the Record," November 26, 2004, that has been edited for clarity.

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GRETA VAN SUSTEREN, HOST: Now to a mystery that began three years ago, when a 4- year-old Kansas girl vanished from her grandmother’s bed. But now, with the help of a high-tech company, her family is distributing photos of what Jaquilla Scales (search) would look like now. We spoke with Jaquilla’s mother and the company distributing the new pictures.


EUREKA SCALES, MOTHER OF MISSING GIRL: Well, all I know was she just — somebody just walked in my grandmother’s back door and just took her out the bed, and like she just disappeared out of earth or something. It just happened.

VAN SUSTEREN: Were you there that night at her grandparents’ house when she disappeared?

SCALES: No, I wasn’t there. I was over at a friend’s house when she came up missing.

VAN SUSTEREN: All right, Vince, the child disappeared at a very young age, and now what has your company done to sort of assist in trying to find Jaquilla?

VINCE GIULIANO, ADVO, INC.: Well, at the request of the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (search), we’ll be distributing her photograph to 85 million households. And the distribution begins this week. And to the Kansas area on November 9 and 10, we’ll be distributing about 135,000 cards, these "Have You Seen Me" cards with Jaquilla’s picture on it and her age progression, to those Wichita homes.

VAN SUSTEREN: Well, who actually does the age progression picture?

GIULIANO: It’s specialists, age-progression specialists at the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children . They take a photograph of Jaquilla at the age she was missing, and then they combine it with photographs of her older family members and they make an age progression.

VAN SUSTEREN: And have you had any luck in the past finding children using this method of the age progression photos?

GIULIANO: Yes, 22 children that we have featured have been recovered as a result of the age progression. And 134 children that we’ve featured to date have been recovered. That’s one out of seven of these little white cards brings home a child that’s been missing. They’re so important. They are the most important tool for law enforcement to try to find children. They’re the hope of searching parents. And if Americans would just take a moment to take a look at this card, we may find the right American who knows something about Jaquilla’s whereabouts.

VAN SUSTEREN: And in terms of the distribution, how do you distribute them?

GIULIANO: It goes through the mail. The United States Postal Service (search) delivers these cards.

VAN SUSTEREN: And in terms of the — you know, who picks up the freight for this?

GIULIANO: We incorporate it as part of our regular service for distributing advertising. We made it part of or daily business to send out a picture of missing children. We don’t send out any mail without a picture of a missing child.


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