FBI Warns of Exploding Bulbs, Stolen IDs

Two unusual items were included on this week's FBI intelligence bulletin, sent to some 18,000 law enforcement organizations nationwide, Fox News has learned.

The first item is on Al Qaeda training in the construction of explosive lightbulbs, while the second item illustrates that the bureau is still tracking missing airline uniforms and ID cards.

The first item reads:

"Training provided in Al Qaeda camps in Afghanistan reportedly included instruction in altering ordinary light bulbs by injecting them with explosive materials. The process involves drilling a small hole through a glass lightbulb, using a syringe to insert peroxide and acetone into the bulb, and then concealing the hole with gum."

The bulletin continues to say that although there is definite evidence of Al Qaeda training terrorists to build such deadly devices, there is no evidence of a plan to use such devices in the near future.

"Although information suggests Al Qaeda recruits trained in the assembly of light bulb explosives, there is no indication that Al Qaeda operatives here have used this type of improvised explosive device operationally."

In the second item, the bureau advises law enforcement organizations that it, along with state and locals, are looking for airline uniforms, ID cards and training and flight manuals that have been reported stolen since Sept. 11 of last year.

Thefts have been reported in the following cities: Seattle, Kansas City, Phoenix, Queens, N.Y., and Atlanta. Several other thefts of such U.S. airline property have been reported overseas, the bureau adds.

According to Transportation Security Administration numbers, the FBI documents:

-- 20 incidents of lost, stolen or "inappropriate duplication" of airline or airport ID cards, and one attempted use of a counterfeit TSA badge (since 1998).

-- 14 airline uniforms stolen (also since 1998).

-- Six incidents since July of 2001 of individuals with stolen uniforms trying to breach airport security.

The bureau warns:

"FBI analysis has not revealed any terrorism-related patterns or trends relative to the theft of airline uniforms or identification cards. However, the volume of reports combined with the potentially serious security concerns posed by fraudulent use of these items warrants aggressive investigation and analysis of reported thefts."

Any important information, they say, should be forwarded to the nearest Joint Terrorism Task Force.