Father Calls School's Punishment 'Something Out of Guantanamo Bay'

A British school won’t let an 11-year old student return to class until he spends an entire day in its “isolation room,” a punishment the student’s father likens to being trapped in a Guantanamo Bay cell, the U.K.'s Daily Mail newspaper reported Monday.

In the isolation rooms at the Ridgewood School in Doncaster, England, students sit under a spotlight facing a black wall where they are supposed to “reflect on their misbehavior,” the Mail reported.

The student’s father, Andrew Widdowson, 30, has threatened to remove his son from the school in protest after it notified him that his son, Kieran, would spend a day in the isolation room for helping to deflate the tires of another boy’s bike.

“A teacher rang and told me about the punishment and I went into the school to see for myself what this isolation room was. I couldn’t believe it. It was like something out of Guantanamo Bay,” Widdowson told the paper.

His son is not allowed to return to school until he spends his day in the isolation room, the Mail reported.

“The room is painted totally black. The walls, the partitions, the window blinds – everything was black,” Widdowson said. “I would rather take my son out of school than see him spend time in that dungeon.”

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