Fast Facts: Zarqawi-Linked Attacks

Major attacks, killings in Iraq linked to Jordanian terror suspect Abu Musab al-Zarqawi (search) and his followers:

— May 7, 2005: Two explosives-laden cars plow into an American security company convoy in Baghdad, killing at least 22 people — including two Americans.

— Feb. 28, 2005: A homicide car bomber strikes a crowd of police and Iraqi National Guard recruits in the southern city of Hillah, killing 125 people.

— Dec. 19, 2004: Car bombs tear through a funeral procession in Najaf (search) and the main bus station in nearby Karbala, killing at least 60 people in the Shiite Muslim holy cities.

— Oct. 30, 2004: The body of hostage Shosei Koda, 24, of Japan, is found decapitated in Baghdad, his body wrapped in an American flag.

— Sept. 30, 2004: Bombings in Baghdad kill 35 children and seven adults as U.S. troops hand out candy at the inauguration of a sewage treatment plant. Al-Zarqawi's group claims responsibility for attacks that day, but it is unclear if these include the explosions that killed the children.

— Sept. 16, 2004: British engineer Kenneth Bigley, and U.S. engineers Jack Hensley and Eugene "Jack" Armstrong are kidnapped in Baghdad. By Oct. 10, 2004, all three men have been confirmed beheaded.

— Sept. 14, 2004: A car bomb rips through a busy market near a Baghdad police headquarters where Iraqis are waiting to apply for jobs, killing 47.

— Sept. 13, 2004: A video purportedly from al-Qaida in Iraq shows Durmus Kumdereli, a Turkish truck driver, being beheaded.

— Aug. 2, 1004: A video from followers of al-Zarqawi showing shooting death of hostage Murat Yuce of Turkey.

— June 29, 2004: Georgi Lazov, 30, and Ivaylo Kepov, 32, Bulgarian truck drivers are kidnapped. Al-Zarqawi's followers suspected of decapitating both men.

— June 22, 2004: Kidnappers behead South Korean hostage Kim Sun-il; Al-Jazeera television says the killing was carried out by al-Zarqawi's group.

— June 14, 2004: A car bomb attack on a vehicle convoy in Baghdad kills 13 people, including three General Electric employees.

— May 18, 2004: A car bomb assassinates Iraqi Governing Council president Abdel-Zahraa Othman.

— May 11, 2004: Kidnapped American businessman Nicholas Berg (search) is beheaded while being videotaped, and the voice of the knife-wielder is identified as al-Zarqawi's.

— March 2, 2004: Coordinated blasts from homicide bombers, mortars and planted explosives strike Shiite Muslim shrines in Karbala and Baghdad, killing at least 181. U.S. and Iraqi officials link the attacks to al-Zarqawi.

— Aug. 29, 2003: A car bomb in Najaf kills more than 85 people, including Ayatollah Mohammad Baqr al-Hakim, leader of the Supreme Council of the Islamic Revolution in Iraq.

— Aug. 19, 2003: A truck bombing of U.N. headquarters in Baghdad kills 23, including top U.N. envoy Sergio Vieira de Mello.

— Oct. 28, 2002: Laurence Foley (search), a diplomat and administrator of U.S. aid programs in Jordan, is gunned down outside his home in Amman.