Fast Facts: Monday's Schedule

Following is Monday's podium schedule for the Republican National Convention:

Theme: "A Nation of Courage"

7:45 pm to 11:15 p.m.

Call to Order

Ohio Rep. Deborah Pryce: Deputy Permanent Co-Chair

Presentation of Colors, NYPD

Pledge of Allegiance

Lt. Col. Joseph Repya (Ret.): Eagan, Minn.

National Anthem

Olivia Lalewitz: Detroit, Mich.


Imam Pasha: New York, N.Y.

Rolling Roll Call of the States

Ed Gillespie: Chairman, Republican National Committee

Sara Gear Boyd: Secretary of the Convention

The Honorable Jane Norton: Assistant Secretary of the Convention

Official Convention Photograph

The Honorable J. Dennis Hastert: Permanent Convention Chairman, 2004 Republican National Convention

Tribute to President Ford

Music, Dexter Freebish

Recognition of President George H.W. Bush and Barbara Bush

Ron Silver: Actor

New Mexico Rep. Heather Wilson

Music Christ Tabernacle Choir

Bernard Kerik: Former Police Commissioner New York, N.Y.

Robert Khuzami: Former Assistant United States Attorney, New York, N.Y.

Zainab Al-Suwaij: Executive Director, American Islamic Congress

Jason Sehorn and Angie Harmon

Music, Darryl Worley

South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham

Arizona Sen. John McCain

Music, Daniel Rodriguez

The Honorable Rudy Giuliani: Former Mayor of the City of New York

Reverend Max Lucado:
San Antonio, Texas