TALLMANSVILLE, W.Va. – The following is a partial listing of the 13 West Virginia miners who were trapped underground Monday in an explosion at the Sago Mine in Upshur County, according to interviews with family members.
Alva Martin Bennett, 50, of Buckhannon
Jim Bennett, 61, of Philippi
Jerry Groves, 57, Cleveland, W.Va.
George Hamner Jr., of Gladyfork, age unavailable
Terry Helms, 50, of Newburg
David Lewis, 28, of Philippi
Randal McCloy, 27, of Simpson
Martin Toler, 50, of Flatwoods
Fred Ware Jr., 59, of Tallmansville
Jack Weaver, 52, of Philippi
Marshall Winans, 49, of Talbert