Fast Facts: Iraqi Elections by the Numbers

Facts, tidbits and numbers behind Iraq's national elections:

— 14.27 million: Number of Iraqis who have registered to vote.

— 6,000: Approximate number of polling places on election day.

— Nearly 19,000: Number of candidates on the ballot.

— 256: Number of party lists (remember Iraqis will vote by slate, not individual candidate).

— 30: Number of alliances formed between those "lists" or "slates" of candidates.

— 25,000: Number of Iraqi election monitors trained; half are independent monitors; half represent one of the parties.

— 120: Iraqi non-governmental organizations involved in the monitoring process.

— 24,000: Number of people registered in the United States (as of Jan. 24) to vote in Iraq's election.

— 29: Number of countries whose military forces are working alongside Iraqi forces to help establish stability and security.

— 60 million: Number of ballot sheets brought into Iraq.

— Almost 90,000: Number of ballot boxes delivered throughout Iraq.

Source: Richard Boucher, State Department briefing, Jan. 25, 2005; and Iraqi Elections: January 30, 2005, State Department fact sheet, Jan. 25, 2005,