Fast Facts: Dick Cheney

Following are biographical facts about Vice President Dick Cheney:

Name: Richard Bruce Cheney.

Age/birthday: 63, born Jan. 30, 1941.

Education: B.A., University of Wyoming, 1965; M.A., University of Wyoming, 1966; doctoral work at University of Wisconsin, 1966-68.

Experience: U.S. Vice President, 2000-current; Chairman and chief executive of Dallas-based Halliburton Co., an oil services company, 1995-2000; secretary of defense, 1989-93; House Republican whip, 1988-89; Wyoming congressman, 1979-89; White House chief of staff under President Ford, 1975-76; deputy assistant to Ford, 1974-75.

Family: Wife, Lynne; daughters, Elizabeth and Mary.

Quote: "My grandfather believed deeply in the promise of America, and had the highest hopes for his family. And I don't think it would surprise him all that much that a grandchild of his stands before you tonight as vice president of the United States," — Cheney's address to the Republican National Convention on Sept. 1.