
Key dates in the life of Gen. Augusto Pinochet:

Aug. 23, 1973 — Named commander of the Chilean army by Marxist President Salvador Allende.

Sept. 11, 1973 — Leads bloody military rebellion against Allende, who committed suicide in his presidential palace under air and ground attack.

Dec. 11, 1974 — Pinochet, until then head of a four-man military junta, takes the title of president of the republic.

March 11, 1981 — Pinochet is sworn in as president according to newly written constitution.

May 1983 — Pinochet regime faces first widespread protests, reacts with strong repression.

Sept. 7, 1986 — Survives assassination attempt by pro-Communist guerrillas.

March 11, 1988 — Signs law restoring legal political parties, except Marxists.

Oct. 5, 1988 — Loses referendum that would have extended his rule eight more years.

Dec. 16, 1989 — Loses presidential election to Patricio Aylwin, a Christian Democrat.

March 11, 1990 — Pinochet hands over presidency, remains army commander.

Jan. 20, 1998 — The Communist Party files first criminal suit against Pinochet for human rights violations during his regime. Many more suits would follow.

March 10, 1998 — Pinochet steps down as army commander, enters Senate as senator-for-life, a post created in the constitution written by his regime.

Oct. 16, 1998 — While recovering from back surgery in England, Pinochet is arrested on a warrant issued by Spanish judge Baltasar Garzon.

March 2, 2000 — British authorities allow Pinochet to return to Chile because of deteriorated health.

January 2001 — Judge Juan Guzman issues first indictment of Pinochet on human rights charges. But case falters because courts find poor health rules out a trial.

July 2004 — A U.S. Senate investigation reveals that Pinochet has a fortune in foreign bank accounts, estimated by a Chilean judge at $28 million. Pinochet is indicted for tax evasion.

Nov. 25, 2006 — On his 91st birthday, Pinochet issues a statement taking "full political responsibility" for the actions of his government.

Dec. 3, 2006 — Hospitalized after suffering acute heart attack, undergoes angioplasty.

Dec. 10, 2006 — Pinochet dies at age 91.

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