Farrah Fawcett Shockingly Shaves Head, Hollywood Gathers to Pray For a Miracle

Farrah Fawcett Shockingly Shaves Head, Hollywood Gathers to Pray for a Miracle | Christian Bale’s Co-Stars: He Doesn't Give a Crap | Exclusive: Bacon the World’s Sexiest Vegetarian?

Farrah Fawcett Shockingly Shaves Head, Hollywood Gathers to Pray for a Miracle

As Farrah Fawcett fights for her life, Tinseltown’s elite including longtime lover Ryan O'Neal, Melanie Griffith, Antonio Banderas, Jacqueline Bissett, Marianne Williamson, Dick Van Patten and Loree Rodkin gathered at the Beverly Hills Paley Center on Wednesday evening to reflect upon the starlet’s legendary life and hope for a miracle with an intimate world premiere screening of the documentary Farrah's Story.

"I don't know if it's a celebration per se, it's a gruesome story, it's a terrible story," O'Neal told Tarts at the premiere. "But sometimes out of terrible stories come a light and a hope ... and a hope. I'd like her to come back, actresses are funny things I hear that are in a success you never know."

So how is Farrah doing?

"Not well ... no ...I'm going to go sit down because I'll cry otherwise," O'Neal said, his voice choking with emotion.

Fawcett was first diagnosed with anal cancer in September 2006 and despite going into remission, it was revealed earlier this year that the cancer had spread to her liver. The feature-length film (which airs on NBC this Friday) poignantly chronicles the trials and tribulations of her two-and-a-half year battle with the disease.

In a video diary format, Farrah shares her fears and feelings as well as accounts of her treatments in the U.S. and Germany. Also featured in the documentary are Fawcett's companion O'Neal, her fellow Angels Jaclyn Smith, Kate Jackson, and Farrah's father, Jim Fawcett, as well as her team of doctors.

At times Farrah's Story becomes very uncomfortable as it so graphically captured her writhing in pain with needles penetrating her body during profusion treatments in Germany, her nights of endless vomiting in her dull white hospital room and tears of torment.

"I feel like Alice in Wonderland, its so surreal," Fawcett said. "I feel like a blonde nothingness, alone in my own body ... Today its not drugs that fill my body, its despair."

But no physical pain came anywhere near the hurt she endured when she finally started to lose her most famous asset, the asset that had such an impact on American culture: that fabulous Farrah Fawcett hair.

"In the beginning her hair certainly captured the world and just about every man. She took that position and reinforced it with talent and vigor," Bissett told Tarts before the screening.

O'Neal revealed in the film that in the first rounds of treatment they did everything in their power to preserve her hair but finally in February Fawcett had no choice but to resort to chemotherapy. But again showing her remarkable strength of character, the 62-year-old took to the razor once it started to fall out -- refusing even then to let the cancer claim victory over her sense of self dignity.

While the film is somber by nature, it is also quite uplifting as it enscapulates Farrah's bravery as she fights and fights, determined to "get her life without barriers back." No matter what woe each day brings -- from treatment to dealing with her son's jail term to UCLA leaking her medical files -- the "Charlie's Angel" looks as beautiful as she did in her prime, with an unwavering sense of humor. At one point, Fawcett spiritedly tells the doctor that she can't eat liver anymore after examining her tumors and even when she pulls off her beanie to reveal a shockingly bald head (the audience gasped) she does it with a smile.

"You wouldn't stop until you got my hair," Fawcett jokes to the doctor.

At the close of the film, Fawcett, who never once asks "why me God?" or flags on her faith, does leave us with two very important questions to reflect upon -- questions she wants answered by the government. But for right now, our Angel, her family and flocks of fans are praying for a miracle.

"I was thinking I would miss the rain. I wonder if you can experience the rain in Heaven, if God will let you dip your wings down," Fawcett said softly. "But my biggest expectation now is just to live. I will not go gently into that goodnight ..."

Christian Bale’s Co-Stars: He Doesn't Give a Crap

Christian Bale hit the headlines earlier this year when an expletive-laced tape of him abusing a crew member on the set of Terminator Salvation was publicly leaked, and Bale takes full responsibility for his brutal behavior.

"There is really nothing I can say about that that I haven't said already," he said while promoting the flick over the weekend. "I haven’t tried to make any excuses for it, it was unacceptable. I take it as my fault and that's it."

However it seems Bale’s co-stars are applauding him for addressing the issue.

"As a person he is a consummate professional completely dedicated to his craft doesn't give a crap about the bells and whistles of being famous and all that bull dust. So to work with him elevates your game as a person he is the supreme professional. That is what it is. He comes in does his job goes home to his kids. The proof is in the pudding look at his career," Sam Worthington said, while Common added that Bale was, "misinterpreted, because any day you can catch any of us we might snap."

And for fellow Terminator star Bryce Dallas Howard, the experience has made her more fearful of her chosen profession.

"It's terrible for all of us that tape was released because when you are working on a set it's a creative experience and you need a certain amount of protection and safety. That's why it is a private experience that is why it is a closed set," Howard explained. "When you are filming a really intense scene and the weather is crazy, you haven't slept for 48 hours people are raw. I think Christian dealt with it with such integrity. Everyone has heard his apology and it's totally genuine but I am disappointed for all us if (looks at Anton Yelchin and he nods in agreement) that we are all going to feel more careful. Because some individual, who still hasn't been held accountable, released that (audio tape)."

The tape was initially leaked after being sent by studio executives to an insurance company incase Bale went ahead with his threats to bail on the film and although the source behind the leak was being investigated, no finger has yet to be pointed.

Exclusive: Bacon the World’s Sexiest Vegetarian?

His name isn’t exactly animal-friendly, but Pop Tarts has learned exclusively that Kevin Bacon is the early lead to take the title for PETA’S 2009’s World’s Sexiest Vegetarian. But on the female front, we’re told that "Big Love" beauty Ginnifer Goodwin surged to an early lead within minutes of the poll (which ends on May 31st) being posted.

Bacon and Goodwin face some not-so meaty competition against other celeb vegetarians including Mark Ruffalo, Robin Quivers, Kellie Pickler, Milo Ventimiglia, Ellen DeGeneres, and Portia de Rossi .

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