Exposing the Real Che Guevara

This is a partial transcript from "Hannity & Colmes," June 15, 2007, that has been edited for clarity.


ALAN COLMES, CO-HOST: Recently, Sean and I sat down with the author of "Exposing the Real Che Guevara and the Useful Idiots who Idolize Him," Humberto Fontova:


SEAN HANNITY, CO-HOST: We see this face often.


HANNITY: Too often. For example, a lot of Hollywood stars praise this man.

FONTOVA: Oh, yes. Oh, yes. They go even further. For instance, Angelina Jolie has emblazoned his face on a tattoo somewhere on her body, which is incredibly funny, because Ms. Jolie has just won the U.N.'s global humanitarian award for working with refugees. So what happens? She idolizes a man that created the biggest refugee crisis in the Western Hemisphere.

HANNITY: Yes, and then praises him as a peacemaker, free-thinker. What was it, Mike Tyson similarly has one. Madonna's book, for example, has used a Guevara-style picture.

FONTOVA: Yes, yes. Mike Tyson has a huge tattoo on him. And Che Guevara considered blacks — this is a quote that's in the book — he says, "The negro is indolent and lazy, whereas the European is forward-looking and hard-working." This is a direct quote from a man that is idolized by both Mike Tyson and Jesse Jackson.

HANNITY: Tell us about this man. He was a murderer.

FONTOVA: He was the Cuban revolution's chief executioner. He did for the Cuban revolution what Heinrich Himmler did for the Nazi revolution.

HANNITY: Now, if you go back to, for example, the Cuban missile crisis, he said that if Cuba had had — that the missiles had been under Cuban control, they would have fired them at American cities, but yet he's praised by Hollywood liberals?

FONTOVA: He is praised by people in New York, which is even funnier, because his exact statement is, "If the missiles had remained in Cuba, we would have used them against the heart of the United States, including New York City." So, Alan, Sean, if he had had his way, you all's cremated remains would fit in a milk carton today.

HANNITY: He's one of the primary contributors to the modern theories of guerrilla warfare.

FONTOVA: Completely bogus. Only Fidel Castro, the greatest con man of the 20th century, could have created such a legend about such a doofus.

HANNITY: But let me ask you this, then. Why is he treated this way by the left-wing Hollywood elite? Is it because of Marxist ideals? Do you think that's what it is?

FONTOVA: It's part of that, but it's the coolness cache that still surrounds the Cuban revolution. Remember, they were the very first beatniks. These guys came down from the hills in 1959, when the U.S. was a fuddy-duddy country with a bald golfer, with June Cleaver on TV, and here's these long-haired guys, man.

HANNITY: But what a lot of people forget about the revolution is that — and I knew — there was a man that I became very friendly with. He's since passed away. His name was Armando de Cuzara (ph), and he was pretty wealthy. And his family was very wealthy in Cuba. And during the revolution, his friends, his family were murdered. Their property was stolen. He barely escaped with his life at that time. He was part of the resistance for a while. As you know, it didn't last very long.

FONTOVA: No. You can sit on any street corner in Miami and right here in Union City, New Jersey, and every third male that walks by will have that as a background.


COLMES: Hey, Humberto, I'm just curious, since you really did your homework here, where on Angelina Jolie's body is this tattoo?

FONTOVA: We don't know. We do not know. It's not been disclosed.

COLMES: How do you know — you haven't seen it?

FONTOVA: It has not been disclosed.

COLMES: How do you know it's there?

FONTOVA: Because it was disclosed by the curator of the Che Guevara Museum display.

COLMES: But you've not seen it, have you?

FONTOVA: I've not seen it.

COLMES: You've not seen it.

FONTOVA: I have not seen it. I would love to see it, but I have not seen it.

COLMES: I'm sure you would. Now, here it is, 40 years after the death — he died in October of 1967, when he was shot to death by the Bolivians.


COLMES: All right. Now you're talking about him being a racist, a homophobe, anti-gay, anti-black, death squads. Why is all of this stuff all of a sudden being revealed about him 40 years after his death, now all of a sudden in 2007?

FONTOVA: It started being revealed in 1959. It just didn't make it past the mainstream media filter in this country.

COLMES: So nobody in the media was able to discover this, except for you?

FONTOVA: No, no, no. Thousands of Cuban-Americans have known this for years, but there is something in the mainstream media — they have been eating out of Fidel Castro's hands like trained pigeons.

COLMES: I see. I see.

FONTOVA: And anything that Fidel Castro says becomes gospel in the U.S. media. Anything we say, "Ah, that's those crazy Cubans. You can't believe them."


COLMES: Humberto, I'm over here.


COLMES: The mainstream media in the United States is not all left- wing. You've got the "Wall Street Journal."

FONTOVA: It is primarily.

COLMES: You can go down the list of all these things. And now, all of a sudden, you come forward with all this information, all this revelatory information that nobody has ever talked about before.

FONTOVA: They have talked about it. They have talked about it, Alan. It's just that you haven't heard about it.

COLMES: It's amazing.

FONTOVA: It is primarily talked about in Spanish.

COLMES: I see.

FONTOVA: That is one thing, but there have been books published, but they don't make it past Castro's cheering squad in the media.

COLMES: You're basically using what you have discovered about Che Guevara, or what you're claiming is true is about him...

FONTOVA: From first-hand interviews with people who knew him.

COLMES: ... to bash liberals, as if to claim as though liberals, as a whole, this is what liberals, they embrace people like this. You can certainly pick people like Angelina Jolie if she's got that tattoo. Mike Tyson is not exactly the greatest political mind of the 21st century. But this does not define what liberals truly believe.

FONTOVA: "Time" magazine, what would you call them? "Time" magazine puts him among the heroes and icons of the century.

COLMES: That's not what they said. They called him...

FONTOVA: Next to Mother Teresa.

COLMES: As you point out in the book, they call him one of the 100 most influential people.


COLMES: Influential, yes. That doesn't mean they support Che Guevara. It means they believe he was influential, which he was.

FONTOVA: He was, but they go a little bit further and put him in the heroes and icons section, where you find Mother Teresa.


COLMES: Not the heroes and icons section!

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