
This is a partial transcript from "On the Record," July 7, 2005, that has been edited for clarity.

GRETA VAN SUSTEREN, HOST: Joining us in London (search) is the Salvation Army's (search) secretary for communications in the U.K. and Ireland, Major Bill Cochrane.

Major, tell me first, when did you first learn about the bombings in London?

MAJ. BILL COCHRANE, SALVATION ARMY: Well, within minutes of the bombings taking place. The Salvation Army is very much part of the emergency planning process for these kind of attacks or incidents, so we were called very soon and got to the first scene pretty quickly.

VAN SUSTEREN: Take me step by step. You arrived there. What did you see, and what did you do?

COCHRANE: Well, our units arrived. We have a mobile canteen unit, you know, that can serve drinks and basic refreshments. But the key thing, taking people. And the sight of course, of bewildered, shocked, pretty lost-looking people emerging from the underground station is what confronted our people. And I guess, as much as anything else, some of them needed a shoulder to cry on, a hand to hold, and you know, a cup of coffee or a cup of tea. That's what we tried to do, as I guess people recognize the Salvation Army for doing.

VAN SUSTEREN: Was it hard to get people out from underneath? I mean, this is a subway. It's under the ground. Was it hard to get people out of there? And is the city of London comfortable tonight that everyone has been removed?

COCHRANE: Oh, I'm pretty certain of that. I have to say, the sad thing is that these events have been very well planned for, from the point of view of the emergency services. Sadly, London has had terrorist attacks before. Some of us have lived through those and been involved in the aftermath of them.

I think the thing that struck most of us today all day has been the quite astonishing calm that's often appeared. And even people, however shocked they were, emerging from the underground, most of them were coming out slowly and surely, people helping each other along the way. It's been quite an astonishing experience here.

VAN SUSTEREN: You say that you're prepared, and maybe you don't know the answer to this question, but what about surveillance cameras? Are they in the subway system? And how often do they re-loop?

COCHRANE: Well, I mean, I wouldn't be an expert on that kind of thing. I mean, we're there to help people in the aftermath. But you know, there's obviously evidence for any traveler that they're being observed. I mean, I think we're all grateful for that for safety's sake. So I think the authorities, the transport authorities and the police, et cetera, would have a very keen eye on what's been happening.

VAN SUSTEREN: All right, Major. Thank you, sir.

COCHRANE: Thank you.

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