
Six elephants escaped from an amusement park Wednesday and injured a woman as they rampaged through the South Korean capital, officials said. All of the animals were eventually captured and returned to the park.

One elephant charged into an alley near an elementary school and hit a 52-year-old woman, Roh In-sun, with its trunk, Yonhap news agency said. She was being treated at a hospital.

"She fell, and I ran away because I was scared," said Roh's landlord, Lee Hye-ja, who was standing with her when the elephant came charging toward them.

Television footage showed the elephant at one time standing in the small garden of a house.

Police earlier said three pachyderms (search) barged into a nearby restaurant.

The elephants were able to run away due to the "zookeeper's carelessness" on the circus compound at the Childrens' Grand Park (search), police said, reportedly escaping during a daily show.