Easy-to-Use 'Palm Pistol' Aimed at Elderly, Disabled

You've heard of the Palm Pilot? Well, here's the Palm Pistol.

Constitution Arms, a small arms manufacturer based in Maplewood, N.J., is taking deposits for what it touts as the world's first ergonomically designed firearm.

Intended for use by the elderly and disabled, the single-shot 9-mm weapon looks like a giant bean grasped in the palm of the hand.

The barrel points out between the user's fingers. You "pull" the trigger by pressing on a thumbed button at the top.

"Point and shoot couldn't be easier," states the blurb on the product's Web site.

Even better, Constitution Arms says it's had it certified by the FDA as a "Class I Medical Device." That means doctors could prescribe the handgun to qualified patients, who would then have some or all of the cost reimbursed by Medicare or private insurance.

The gun will cost about $300. A deposit to get yours when it's ready is $25, though Constitution Arms doesn't say exactly when that will be.

• Click here for the Palm Pistol Web site.

• Click here for the product specification sheet (pdf).

• Click here for FOXNews.com's Patents and Innovation Center.