
This is a partial transcript from "Hannity & Colmes," August 30, 2005, that has been edited for clarity.

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SEAN HANNITY, CO-HOST: And welcome back to a special edition of "Hannity & Colmes." I'm Sean Hannity. The storm has passed, but weather conditions will remain a life and death issue for the people in the Gulf Coast.

And among all the stories of devastation and desperation emerging from New Orleans, there are still stories of a lot of hope and human goodness and kindness. And joining us now are Adam Lamberg and Shane Boudreaux, who were forced to pack up their families, flee their homes in New Orleans. And with them with the owner of the Comedy Barn (search) here in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee, David Fee.

Guys, thank you for being with us.

Let's — Adam, Shane, tell us a little bit about, you know, when you see 80 percent submerged, when you see now a total evacuation of New Orleans and you see a lot of the devastation and your friends and loved ones, it's got to be pretty hard for you to watch that.


SHANE BOUDREAUX, EVACUEE: Yes, it's pretty saddening.

HANNITY: Tell us about your trip out and your trip to where you are.

BOUDREAUX: We left New Orleans, heading north. Stopped in Tennessee — in Mississippi, actually. But that wasn't going to be far enough. Apparently, they predicted some power outages up in Mississippi. So we headed further north into Tennessee into Pigeon Forge.

HANNITY: What do you think when you hear that they say you might not — not only be back in weeks but potentially months?

BOUDREAUX: That's devastating. We have a home there. We had jobs there. I'm not sure that they're going to be there. It really leaves you at a point where you know you're going to have to start over.

HANNITY: Have you had any contact with people that remained behind, to find out the condition of your home?

BOUDREAUX: No, sir, unfortunately, I haven't.

HANNITY: With that uncertainty, how do you plan, what do you — even just for the next week, never mind the next month?

BOUDREAUX: I'm just waiting, watching the news, and once they let people back into Louisiana, I guess I'm going to head back there and assess the damage and try to make a plan from there. Until then, we'll just have to wait until we get the OK to go back.

HANNITY: Yes. One of the harder stories that we're watching tonight and we're following, unfortunately, is the issue of looting. Your thoughts on that?

BOUDREAUX: It's pretty scary. The fact is, the law enforcement, what emergency responders they have there, are busy saving lives, and they don't have the time to protect property.

ALAN COLMES, CO-HOST: Hey, Adam, Shane and David, it's Alan Colmes. Dave, you have a comedy club, and you took Adam and Shane in, in a sense. Tell us what happened.

DAVID FEE, OWNER, COMEDY BARN: Yes, it's actually not a club. The Comedy Bar and Theater is in a small place called Pigeon Forge, Tennessee, where we normally get a lot of tourists.

In this case, these two different families had come to our show last night. We have a small country variety show, and we use a lot of audience participation. And when we found out they were from New Orleans, Louisiana, we couldn't believe it, that they had come to a comedy show to get away from all the things that are happening.

And when intermission time came, we decided we'd talk to these guys and see if we could help. So we decided to put them up for a week and send them to all the different shows in the Pigeon Forge area and to Dollywood (search) and Dixie Stampede (search) and some of the — some of the various fun things to do to keep their minds off of it.

COLMES: And help them find places to stay, too, right?

FEE: Yes, yes, we've got them both chalets to stay at. And then this morning, after we really realized how bad it was, we, as a local company, gave $10,000 to our local Red Cross (search) area, and we're letting everybody into the show for free for the next two weeks from Louisiana, Mississippi, or Alabama.

So come to the Comedy Barn Theater, and we'll do our best to try and make you laugh and make...

COLMES: Let me get Shane in here. Shane, what happened to you? You left your house. What shape were things in when you left, and how did you make that decision to leave?

BOUDREAUX: We left Saturday afternoon. Then — the weather was fine then. There was 100 percent probability that the storm was going to hit New Orleans. Living in New Orleans for a long time, you know that's a devastating prediction.

So I took my family and decided to head for high ground, head north. But when we left, everything was — the weather was fine.

HANNITY: All right, guys. We wish you all the best. And as everybody in the state of Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and everyone who has been affected by this, you guys are in our thoughts and prayers. We wish you all the best. Thank you for being with us tonight. We appreciate your time.

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